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12,000 users ask Google to forget them

12,000 pleas from users looking to be forgotten have been submitted to Google in the first 24 hours since the company created a dedicated submission page for such requests, …

Researcher automates discovery of Facebook users’ hidden friends

Putting a friend on Facebook on your “private” list does not guarantee you that anyone else won’t be able to spot the relationship, says researcher Shay …

NSA collects photos to feed facial recognition programs

The NSA has been collecting photos of people’s faces at the tune of 55,000 images every day, and has been feeding the images into its facial recognition programs, James …

Mobile ad libraries create major risk for enterprise data

Every day at Mojave Threat Labs, our research team analyzes thousands of mobile apps using more than 200 individual risk factors. One of the key risk factors that we track is …

Free mobile privacy platform unveiled

Boolean Tech announced ShieldMe, a secure and free mobile privacy platform that allows users to connect with other people without ever giving up their phone number. ShieldMe …

Data brokers collect info on nearly every U.S. consumer

In a report issued on the data broker industry, the Federal Trade Commission finds that data brokers operate with a fundamental lack of transparency. The Commission recommends …

Outlook for Android fails to keep emails confidential

Did you know that Outlook and many other email and mobile messaging Android apps store your emails and messages on the device’s SD card, unencrypted, and accessible to …

Apps on your Android phone can take photos without you knowing

A researcher has demonstrated that it’s possible for malicious attackers to create an Android app that will surreptitiously take pictures and upload them to a remote …

Anti-surveillance mask foils facial recognition systems

The unnerving ubiquity of security cameras in public places and the fact that an increasing number of them are connected to facial recognition systems has spurred …

Facebook introduces privacy check up tool

Facebook continues on its course to give users more privacy by making “Friends” the default sharing option for first time posters, and by introducing a privacy …

CERN, MIT scientists launch Swiss-based secure webmail

Last week marked the beta release of yet another encrypted, secure email service, and interest for it was so overwhelming that its developers had to temporarily close the …

OnionShare lets you send files securely and anonymously

A new programming project that allows users to send files anonymously over Tor has been made available on GitHub by its author Micah Lee, former staff technologist at the EFF …

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