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Reactions to the LastPass breach

LastPass, the company behind the popular password management service of the same name, has announced that they have suffered a breach, and has urged users to verify their …

LastPass breached, hashed master passwords compromised

LastPass, the company behind the popular password management service of the same name, has announced on Monday that they have suffered a breach, and has urged users to verify …

Stronger data protection rules for Europe

More than 90% of Europeans are concerned about mobile apps collecting their data without their consent. Today, an important step was taken to finalize EU data protection rules …

OPM hack: Vast amounts of extremely sensitive data stolen

The extent of the breach suffered by the US Office of Personnel Management has apparently widened. Reports are coming in that the hackers have not only accessed Social …

Privacy profession: An equal playing field for men and women?

In the midst of the public debate around the lingering gender gap in salary and professional achievement, the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) …

Users care about their privacy, but feel powerless to protect it

Users are resigned to the loss of privacy, but not because they feel they are getting good value for their data, but because they believe marketers will eventually get it …

IoT is full of gaping security holes, says Shodan creator

John Matherly’s Shodan, a search engine that finds Internet-connected devices, can be used for many things: gauging the impact of policies and network security efforts …

Personal info of 4 million US government workers compromised in OPM breach

Approximately 4 million US federal employees, both current and former, will start receiving a breach notification alerting them that their personal information has potentially …

CSA releases tool for personal data legal protection

At Infosecurity Europe 2015, the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) Privacy Level Agreement (PLA) Working Group released the Privacy Level Agreement (PLA) v2, a tool that provides …

How to raise users’ expectations about security and privacy?

Users do not seem to care much about privacy and security. When buying a new smartphone, for example, they rarely ask about security updates and how long the device will be …

USA Freedom Act is just the beginning of the fight for privacy

The US Senate voted for the passing of the USA Freedom Act on Tuesday, and President Obama signed it into law later the same day. So, how will this impact the surveillance …

Google releases new hub for managing security and privacy settings

Google has released a new privacy tool for users: the My Account centralized hub for managing Google Settings.“Privacy and security are two sides of the same coin: if …

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