Prism Infosec

Prism Infosec PULSE bridges the gap between penetration testing and red teaming
Prism Infosec launched its innovative PULSE testing service to enable organizations which may not have the bandwidth or resource to dedicate to a full-scale red team exercise …

GenAI can enhance security awareness training
One of the biggest concerns over generative AI is its ability to manipulate us, which makes it ideal for orchestrating social engineering attacks. From mining someone’s …

Why cyber maturity assessment should become standard practice
Understanding risk is one thing, but how do you know if your organization has what it takes to withstand those risks being realized? Establishing cyber maturity can help …

High-risk vulnerabilities patched in ABB Aspect building management system
Prism Infosec has identified two high-risk vulnerabilities within the Aspect Control Engine building management system (BMS) developed by ABB. ABB’s Aspect BMS enables users …

Are you ready for PCI DSS 4.0?
In just under a year’s time, organizations will have had to comply with several new requirements under version 4.0 of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI …

How kitemarks are kicking off IoT regulation
Regulation of the Internet of Things (IoT) has always been a contentious subject. Those against claim it stymies growth of a nascent industry, while those advocating for it …

IR and SimEx: Can and should they be standardized?
The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) intends to launch a new assurance scheme for incident response (IR) and simulated exercises (SimEx) in Q2 2022, which could become a …