
Preventing ecommerce fraud: A look at current trends and patterns
Forter released its Fraud Attack Index, delivering in-depth insight into the impact of COVID-19 on online buyer behavior and ecommerce fraud trends. This edition revealed …

114 5G commercial networks now live worldwide
Mobile network operators continued to bring 5G networks online despite the pandemic and economic downturn, even as new 5G subscriber growth tempered in some areas, according …

Shipments of next-gen smart IoT gateways to reach 21.4 million by 2025
IoT gateways are becoming an increasingly important link in the IoT security and device authentication value chain and emerging as a crucial conduit for intelligent operations …

Emerging countries will adopt 5G faster than expected
Emerging markets have always been behind developed countries in adopting the latest generation mobile networks, with a few exceptions. While it would be safe to assume that …

Organizations must rethink traditional IT strategy to succeed in the new normal
64% of IT pros are instilled with a new sense of confidence, despite contending with challenges such as reduced budgets, greater decision-making responsibilities, and longer …

Global WAN optimization market to reach $4.88 billion by 2027
The global wide area network optimization market size is estimated to reach $4.88 billion by 2027, registering a CAGR of 9.5% from 2020 to 2027, according to Grand View …

Multi-access edge computing market to reach $7.23 billion by 2024
Edge computing is a foundational technology for industrial enterprises as it offers shorter latencies, robust security, responsive data collection, and lower costs, Frost …

Bring your own PC and SASE security to transform global businesses
Bring your own PC (BYOPC) security will reach mainstream adoption in the next two to five years, while it will take five to 10 years for mainstream adoption of secure access …

Worldwide AI spending to reach more than $110 billion in 2024
Global spending on AI is forecast to double over the next four years, growing from $50.1 billion in 2020 to more than $110 billion in 2024. According to IDC, spending on AI …

The evolution of IoT asset tracking devices
Asset tracking is one of the highest growth application segments for the Internet of Things (IoT). According to a report by ABI Research, asset tracking device shipments will …

What is the impact of the pandemic on managed services providers?
A new SolarWinds study revealed the operational impact of the current pandemic on managed services providers (MSPs) and future growth opportunities in the market. The study …

The future of work: 74% believe they will emerge stronger
While much has been written about the immediate pandemic-related challenges, it’s important to apply the lessons learned as many prepare for the future of work. With …