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How privacy and security concerns affect password practices

Yubico announced the results of the company’s 2019 State of Password and Authentication Security Behaviors Report, conducted by the Ponemon Institute, who surveyed 1,761 IT …

Most organizations suffered a business-disrupting cyber event

A study conducted by Ponemon Institute found that 60 percent of organizations globally had suffered two or more business-disrupting cyber events — defined as cyber attacks …

Users lock
Third parties: Fast-growing risk to an organization’s sensitive data

The Ponemon Institute surveyed more than 1,000 CISOs and other security and risk professionals across the US and UK to understand the challenges companies face in protecting …

Endpoint security solutions challenged by zero-day and fileless attacks

There is an endpoint protection gap against modern threats, the result of a recent survey by the Ponemon Institute and Barkly have shown. The organizations polled 660 IT and …

Organizations apply stronger PKI security controls due to their increasingly critical role

The Internet of Things is the fastest growing trend driving the deployment of applications that use public key infrastructure as evidenced by the Thales 2018 Global PKI Trends …

Security data reveals worldwide malicious login attempts are on the rise

According to the Akamai 2018 State of the Internet / Security Credential Stuffing Attacks report, worldwide malicious login attempts are on the rise. Akamai detected …

Key weapon for closing IoT-era cybersecurity gaps? Artificial intelligence

As businesses struggle to combat increasingly sophisticated cybersecurity attacks, the severity of which is exacerbated by both the vanishing IT perimeters in today’s mobile …

Rise in email impersonation attacks makes companies re-assess their security efforts

Most companies believe they’ve experienced serious data breaches driven by email impersonation in the past 12 months – but are not doing nearly enough to prevent future …

insider threat
Do your users understand your cybersecurity policy?

ObserveIT surveyed more than 1,000 full-time employees ages 18-65+ at organizations with more than 500 employees on their understanding and awareness of cybersecurity …

Cost of data breaches rises, mega breaches cost up to $350 million

Hidden costs in data breaches – such as lost business, negative impact on reputation and employee time spent on recovery – are difficult and expensive to manage. For example, …

Cost of lagging DevOps and microservice enablement? $34 million per year

Despite the vast majority of cloud management decision-makers believing that DevOps and microservice enablement are important, very few believe that their organizations are …

Qualys CertView
Make certificate visibility and security a part of your overall security program

In this podcast recorded at RSA Conference 2018, Asif Karel, Director of Product Management at Qualys, illustrates why certificate visibility and security should not just be …

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