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Google Docs hosted phishing schemes abound

Google Docs is a helpful office suite and data storage service that allows users to collaborate on documents with ease but, unfortunately, it is also a very useful tool for …

Phishing emails from spoofed US-CERT addresses

US-CERT has issued a public warning about a phishing email campaign using spoofed US-CERT email addresses. “The subject of the phishing email is: ‘Phishing …

Recycled cybercrime tactics adapted to conceal fraud

GFI Software released its VIPRE Report for December 2011, a collection of the most prevalent threat detections encountered during the month. Phishing campaigns once again …

Scammy Facebook Timeline deactivation pages target users

As more and more Facebook users choose to try out the new Timeline view of their profiles, some are disappointed and want to revert back to the old view. Unfortunately for …

Surge in pre-Christmas malware

GFI Software released its report on the most prevalent threat detections for the previous month. Noteworthy threats in November 2011 included a new Facebook worm; the return …

Bogus Apple billing info update request doing rounds

Emails purporting to come from Apple and urging users to update the billing information contained in their Apple accounts are currently hitting inboxes around the world, warns …

Phishers prefer real money to virtual funds

October was rich in sensational events which, as usual, the spammers exploited to the full, says Kaspersky Lab. Mass mailings were registered that referred to the death of …

“PayPal email address change” phishing scheme doing rounds

PayPal users are targeted again as emails supposedly sent by the online payment company urge them to fill out a form with their personal and financial information in order to …

Fake Facebook account deletion warnings target users

An email supposedly sent by the Facebook Team warning users about them having violated the social network’s policies is currently hitting inboxes around the world: LAST …

Bitdefender prevents scams on Twitter

Bitdefender is adding a tool to its arsenal to prevent scams on Twitter. Safego has emerged successful from beta testing by Twitter users and will be incorporated into …

Global phishing trends and domain name use

A new survey by the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) reveals that phishing attacks perpetrated against Chinese e-commerce and banking sites soared by 44 percent in the first …

Unique malware URLs increased 89 percent

Websites loaded with malware increased a massive 89 percent in the third quarter compared to Q2 2011. According to an IID report, the most impersonated organizations include …

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