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Google warns Gmail users of state-sponsored attacks

Google will start warning users that might be targeted by state-sponsored attackers with clear alerts that pop up above their Gmail inboxes no matter what browser they use …

Olympics fans targeted with lottery scam

An email purportedly coming from the promotion manager of the London 2012 Olympics has been hitting inboxes, trying to scam recipients into sending personal information and …

DNS-changing Trojan leads to phishing banking sites

Latin American Internet users are constantly attacked by cyber crooks who aim to get their online banking credentials in order to perpetrate identity theft and banking fraud. …

Scammers working harder to fool consumers

The number of unique phishing reports submitted to the APWG rose substantially from early fall through the end of the year, while cybercrime gangs were apparently forced to …

Wombat enhances PhishPatrol, the anti-phishing email filter

Wombat Security Technologies released a new version of PhishPatrol, an e-mail filter designed to strengthen a business’s current filtering system by catching phishing …

A marathon of holiday spam

The main spam topics that emerged during the last quarter included the increase in spam during the holidays, mass mailings, malicious attachments and the distribution of …

Sophisticated bogus PayPal emails lead to phishing

PayPal users are currently being targeted with emails purportedly coming from the e-payment giant and asking for their help: Dear Customer, We need your help resolving an …

Fake “Account blocked!” email targets Hotmail users

Hotmail users are once again targeted by phishers. With “E-mail account alert!” in the Subject line, the fake email ostensibly comes from Microsoft. “This …

Phishing impersonating email service providers spikes

Phishing attacks impersonating email service providers increased 333 percent from Q4 2011 to Q1 2012. IID attributes this spike to spammers needing unsullied email addresses …

Cyber attackers target US natural gas pipeline companies

Unknown attackers are actively targeting natural gas pipeline sector companies in the US with spear phishing emails, the US Department of Homeland Security’s Industrial …

Phishers mimic OpenID to steal credentials

New spam email campaigns are taking advantage of the users’ vague familiarity with the OpenID authentication method to phish their login credentials for a number of …

“Free additional storage” phishing emails doing rounds

Symantec researchers warn about a variety of fake emails supposedly coming from popular email and online storage services, offering “storage quota upgrades”. A …

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