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Record number of phishing websites in the wild

The number of brands targeting by phishing attacks sustained an all-time high of 382 in February and March, while cybercrime gangs deployed a record number of phishing …

Spear phishing targets one in two organizations

Proofpoint announced findings from a survey of security IT enterprise decision makers, about email and information security trends. Key findings include: Spear phishing is an …

WoW players targeted with in-game phishing schemes

It should not be a surprise that when Blizzard announced closed beta testing for Mists of Pandaria – the fourth expansion pack for the massively popular World of …

Bogus O2 “account security update” emails tricking users

Phishers are taking advantage of the recent network problems that left O2 mobile customers scrambling for a connection and are trying to convince them to share account details …

The use of exploit kits changed spam runs

Spammers used to depend on email recipients to tie the noose around their own necks by inputing their personal and financial information in credible spoofs of legitimate …

Targeted attacks focus on small businesses

36 percent of all targeted attacks (58 per day) during the last six months were directed at businesses with 250 or fewer employees, according to Symantec. During the first …

Multi-target phishing campaign hits webmail users

An active phishing campaign that is simultaneously targeting Gmail, Yahoo, AOL and Windows Hotmail email users has been spotted by Webroot. The potential victims receive a …

Websense TRITON now with new malware and data theft defenses

Websense announced 10 new malware and data theft defenses, spear phishing protection with cloud sandboxing, and a forensic reporting dashboard with security intelligence. With …

Malicious “Windows Live alert” email targets users

Windows Live account owners are currently being targeted with an email purportedly coming from the Hotmail Security Team, threatening them with an account suspension due to …

Fake “Tax Refund” emails targeting UK citizens

The UK tax season came to an end in April, and notifications about tax returns have begun slowly trickling down to the country’s citizens. But unfortunately among those …

Fake Red Cross emails link to private PayPal account

A rather generic but well-crafted fake American Red Cross email has recently been hitting inboxes around the world and asking recipients for donations: As the offered link can …

Fake “confirm PayPal account” emails lead to phishing

An extremely legitimate looking email supposedly coming from PayPal has been hitting inboxes in the last few days, trying to trick customers of the popular e-payment giant to …

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