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Tips for improving your cyber security

With cyber threats around the globe evolving and becoming more sophisticated, evidenced by the recent data breach at retailer Target, it is important that consumers protect …

Infographic: A phishing email’s route through the corporate network

For years, even decades, computer security has been seen as a technical problem that requires a technical solution. In recent years, enterprises have plowed billions of …

UK tax season threatened by phishing and malware attacks

Bitdefender has warned taxpayers to be cautious after discovering that a total of 10,000 tax-related spam emails were sent in a single day in the first week of March. The tax …

Beware of well-executed Google Docs phishing scam

An extremely convincing phishing spam campaign is currently targeting Google Docs and Google Drive users. It all starts with an email that tells potential victims that an …

Netflix users targeted in active tech support scam

Malwarebytes’ security researcher Jerome Segura has recently analyzed a rather creative tech support scam that is actively targeting Netflix users. He doesn’t say …

Webroot delivers APT protection for enterprises

Webroot announced the release of BrightCloud Security Services and BreachLogic Endpoint Agent, two cloud-based security offerings designed to help enterprises address the …

Beware of fake PayPal “Survey Program” offers

PayPal users based in the UK are being targeted with a spoofed PayPal email offering a reward for participating in a “new survey program,” warns Malwarebytes. …

First-rate phishing email claims “Your Paypal transaction was declined”

Extremely well-made fake notifications claiming the recipients’ PayPal transaction was declined are doing rounds and trying to trick users sharing personal and financial …

Fake SSL certificates used to impersonate Facebook, Google, banks

Analysts with UK-based Internet research firm Netcraft have discovered a considerable number of fake SSL certificates in the wild, created to impersonate banks, social …

As crimeware evolves, phishing attacks increase

The number of phishing campaigns increased by more than 20 percent in the third quarter of 2013, with crimeware attacks evolving and proliferating, according to the APWG. The …

Beware of bogus Google “Suspicious sign-in prevented” emails

A very convincing phishing attempt aimed at harvesting users’ Google account credentials has been spotted by a security researcher (click on the screenshot to enlarge …

Microsoft reveals law enforcement documents were stolen in latest hack

With a short blog post, Microsoft has announced on Friday that unknown hackers might have accessed and exfiltrated information regarding law enforcement information requests …

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Cybersecurity news