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CS:GO players targeted with phishing attempt, malware

Typosquatting is an effective means to trick users into believing they have landed on the legitimate site they wanted to visit, so it’s no wonder that it’s often …

NLPRank: An innovative tool for blocking APT malicious domains

Security researchers working at OpenDNS’ Security Labs have developed NLPRank, a new system that helps detect – quickly and relatively accurately – phishing …

Phishers target victims of iOS device theft

A clever phishing scheme has been spotted targeting users who have had their iPad or iPhone stolen, leading researchers to believe that it has been set up by a criminal group …

Netflix phishing website targeting European users

A fake website simulating that of popular Internet video streaming Netflix has been set up to harvest European users’ personal and payment card information, warns …

Fake face aging app steals Facebook login credentials

Offers for an app that can purportedly show you how you will look in 20 years have been recently popping up in Facebook users’ newsfeed and on their walls, occasionally …

CTOs targeted with tax-themed phishing emails carrying malware

Tax-themed phishing emails targeting CTOs of tech companies have been spotted by researchers at Talos, Cisco’s security intelligence and research group. The initial …

Beware of fake Facebook “Copyright Violations” warnings

The latest Facebook-themed phishing messages doing rounds are trying to trick users into believing they are “making copyright violations” on their Facebook page. …

Carbanak cyber gang stole hundreds of millions from banks

Since late 2013, an international cyber criminal group has been targeting banks around the world and has made off with $300 million – possibly even more – by …

Phishing attacks increasingly target financial data

28.8 percent of phishing attacks last year aimed to steal financial data from consumers, according to a new report by Kaspersky Lab. The results show how cybercriminals have …

Active spam campaign leads to sophisticated PayPal phishing sites

PayPal-themed phishing campaigns are nothing new, but they are more and more legitimate-looking as time goes by. Researchers with OpenDNS Labs have spotted one such campaign …

Anthem members targeted with phishing emails and calls

It didn’t take long for scammers to attempt to take advantage of the Anthem data breach, as phishing messages impersonating credit monitoring services supposedly offered …

Critical IE 11 bug can be used for effective phishing attacks

A hacker has discovered a universal Cross Site Scripting (XSS) flaw that affects Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 7 and 8.1, and which could allow attackers to execute …

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