Phishing attacks increasingly target financial data
28.8 percent of phishing attacks last year aimed to steal financial data from consumers, according to a new report by Kaspersky Lab. The results show how cybercriminals have …
Active spam campaign leads to sophisticated PayPal phishing sites
PayPal-themed phishing campaigns are nothing new, but they are more and more legitimate-looking as time goes by. Researchers with OpenDNS Labs have spotted one such campaign …
Anthem members targeted with phishing emails and calls
It didn’t take long for scammers to attempt to take advantage of the Anthem data breach, as phishing messages impersonating credit monitoring services supposedly offered …
Critical IE 11 bug can be used for effective phishing attacks
A hacker has discovered a universal Cross Site Scripting (XSS) flaw that affects Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 7 and 8.1, and which could allow attackers to execute …
What makes phishing emails so successful?
According to the results of a study performed by researchers from the University at Buffalo, “information-rich” emails that alter the recipients’ cognitive …
Phish out WPA networks’ password with Wifiphisher
Greek computer geek George Chatzisofroniou has released a stable version of Wifiphisher, a tool aimed at automating phishing attacks against WPA networks in order to discover …
ICANN systems breached via spear-phishing emails
As many organizations before it, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has been compromised after some of its employees fell for cleverly constructed …
Hackers hit execs for insider info to gain stock market advantage
FireEye’s researchers have identified yet another hacking group. Dubbed FIN4, the hacking crew seems to be comprised of native English speakers with “deep …
Darkhotel espionage campaign targets corporate executives traveling abroad
Kaspersky Lab researched the Darkhotel espionage campaign, which has lurked in the shadows for at least four years while stealing sensitive data from selected corporate …
Brazilian, Chinese govt sites host the most phishing pages
Occasionally, cyber crooks compromise websites administered by governments and make them host phishing pages. But how often does that happen? Cyvveillance researchers have …
New technique makes phishing sites easier to create, more difficult to spot
Researchers have spotted a new technique used by phishers which could trick even more users into believing they are entering their information in a legitimate web form. …
Most orgs unprepared to handle a cyber incident
In the latest quarter, Solutionary SERT performed a broad analysis of the threat landscape, including information on the Shellshock and Aftershock vulnerabilities present in …