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What can financial institutions do to improve email security?

Financial institutions are in a fully-fledged war against data breaches. And rightly so – the finance sector is a frequent target of ransomware, phishing, and other malicious …

Threat actors are doing their homework, researchers identify new impersonation techniques

There is an increase in three main areas: spoofed phishing attempts, HTTPS encryption in URL-based attacks, and cloud-based attacks focused on publicly hosted, trusted …

Why phishing education has never been more critical to your business

Our cyber defenses are becoming stronger and stronger every year. Even the smallest companies can now deploy advanced anti-malware and intrusion detections tools that were, …

3.4 billion fake emails are sent around the world every day

At least 3.4 billion fake emails are sent around the world every day — with most industries remaining vulnerable to spear-phishing and “spoofing” cyberattacks simply because …

Criminals are selling hacking services targeting world’s biggest companies

A new study – undertaken by Dr. Mike McGuire, Senior Lecturer in Criminology at the University of Surrey, and underwritten by Bromium – provides details of first-hand …

Ransomware and malware attacks decline, attackers adopting covert tactics

There has been a major decline in ransomware and malware attacks, with Ireland having some of the lowest rates globally, according to the latest report released by Microsoft. …

Phishing targeting SaaS and webmail services increased to 36% of all phishing attacks

Users of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and webmail services are being targeted with increasing frequency, according to the APWG Q1 2019 Phishing Activity Trends Report. The …

The lurking danger of hacked email reply chains

Although phishing has been around in various forms since the 1990s, recent news has shown that it continues to evolve – and remains a major threat. These days, phishing …

What will phishers do once push-based MFA becomes widely used?

As phishing continues to be the number one method for initiating a breach, investing in anti-phishing technologies or training – preferably both – should be a …

Cybercriminals targeting social media: Facebook and Instagram are becoming phishers’ favorites

Social media phishing, primarily Facebook and Instagram, saw the highest quarter- over-quarter growth of any industry with a 74.7 percent increase, according to the Vade …

Most adults are concerned about malware and phishing on social media

More than eighty percent of adults believe that they’re at risk when it comes to security on social media. Most American adults are using at least one social media …

Cybercriminals are becoming more methodical and adaptive

Cybercriminals are deviating towards a more focused approach against targets by using better obfuscation techniques and improved social engineering skills as organizations …

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