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Cybercriminals are doing a better job than the companies they target

What can you learn from reading the exploits of the most successful hacking ring ever brought to justice? Recently, the US Attorney’s Office in NJ unsealed their …

Rapid7 updates Metasploit, Mobilisafe and Nexpose

Rapid7 announced new innovations for its risk assessment and management portfolio. This simplifies remediation, testing and communication of security program performance to …

Widely used routers easy to hack even by remote attackers

Security researchers from Independent Security Evaluators have tested thirteen widely used small office/home office routers and wireless access points, and have discovered …

Instant Penetration Testing: Setting Up a Test Lab How-to

If you want to start practicing penetration testing, you will be needing a test lab. This book will tell you what you need in order to do it, how to set it up, and how to use …

Thousands of Amazon S3 buckets left open exposing private data

Cloud hosting and cloud storage is all the rage, but there are still some common pitfalls that many organizations overlook. In this article I will walk through an issue that …

LogRhythm and Rapid7 partner on threat protection and security analytics

LogRhythm and Rapid7 announced API-level integrations of the LogRhythm SIEM 2.0 platform with both the Rapid7 Nexpose vulnerability management product and the Rapid7 …

Metasploit supports Kali Linux free security auditing toolkit

Rapid7 is working with Offensive Security to provide official Metasploit support for Kali Linux, the enterprise-ready evolution of BackTrack Linux. The free security auditing …

Pwn Pad: A tablet for penetration testers

At the RSA Conference 2013 in San Francisco, Pwnie Express released the Pwn Pad, a tablet loaded with wired and wireless pentesting tools. The Pwn Pad contains bleeding edge …

Wireless Reconnaissance in Penetration Testing

Reconnaissance should always be the first stage of a cyber attack or penetration test, and the success of these attempts is usually closely tied with the quality of …

Password cracking and team testing with CORE Impact Pro

CORE Security released CORE Impact Pro 2013, the latest version of its vulnerability assessment and penetration testing software, that allows organizations to proactively test …

Browser Exploitation Framework LiveCD

The Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF) is a penetration testing tool that focuses on the web browser. BeEF allows penetration testers to assess the actual security posture …

Nmap 6: Network exploration and security auditing cookbook

Nmap 6: Network exploration and security auditing cookbook will help you master Nmap and its scripting engine. You will learn how to use this tool to do a wide variety of …

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