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Nmap 7.30: New NSE scripts, Npcap, fingerprints

Nmap 7.30 is the first stable release since 7.12 back in March. Apart from bug fixes, it comes with new features, including more NSE scripts, an improved version of Npcap …

Google Nexus
Hack a Nexus from afar, get $200,000

Google has issued a challenge to bug hunters around the world: find a vulnerability or bug chain that achieves remote code execution on multiple Android devices knowing only …

It pays to be a penetration tester, the market is booming!

The penetration testing market is estimated to grow from $594.7 million in 2016 to $1,724.3 million by 2021, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 23.7%, according to …

Sn1per: Automated pentest recon scanner

Sn1per is an automated scanner that can be used during a penetration test to enumerate and scan for vulnerabilities. “I originally created Sn1per because I didn’t want …

Dagah: Penetration testing for enterprise mobility programs

Shevirah Inc. will unveil at Black Hat USA 2016 the free version of dagah – a product that empowers security test teams to assess the security posture of their mobility …

Photo gallery: Black Hat USA 2016 Arsenal

Black Hat USA 2016 is underway at Las Vegas, and here are a few photos from the Arsenal, where the open source community demonstrates tools they develop and use in their daily …

Security awareness training or no, users will keep clicking on dodgy links

There is no way to make humans never click on potentially dangerous links they receive, as the right combination of curiosity, context, and emotions will always beat security …

Nishang: Using PowerShell for penetration testing

Nishang is a framework, and a collection of scripts and payloads which enables PowerShell usage for offensive security, penetration testing and red teaming. The tool is the …

Pwnie Express
Pwnie Express open sources IoT and Bluetooth security tools

Pwnie Express announced the availability of open sourced versions of its Blue Hydra and Android build system software. The release of these tools enable comprehensive …

Infection Monkey
Infection Monkey: Test a network from an attacker’s point of view

Infection Monkey, a tool designed to test the resiliency of modern data centers against cyber attacks, was developed as an open source tool by GuardiCore’s research …

Faraday: Collaborative pen test and vulnerability management platform

Faraday is an integrated multi-user penetration testing environment that maps and leverages all the knowledge you generate in real time. It gives CISOs a better overview of …

Warberry Pi
Tactical exploitation with Warberry Pi

WarBerry Pi was built for red team engagements where it’s essential to obtain as much information as possible in a short period of time, while going undetected. All you need …

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