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Using Salesforce? Here are 5 security and compliance considerations

When it comes to mission-critical cloud applications, today’s security teams have a laundry list of different focus areas. From ensuring cloud providers deliver adequate …

Streamlining cloud compliance through automation

As companies migrate to the cloud to take advantage of its scalability and flexibility, many don’t fully realize how this move will affect their compliance with …

Is your organization prepared for PCI DSS 4.0?

Designed to ensure that all companies securely transmit, store or process payment card data correctly, compliance to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) …

Only 27.9% of organizations able to maintain compliance with the PCI DSS

Global organizations continue to put their customers’ cardholder data at risk due to a lack of long term payment security strategy and execution, flags the Verizon report. …

CISOs struggling to prep for security audits

Calendars for security and compliance audits are largely unchanged despite COVID-19, yet the pandemic is straining teams as they work remotely, according to Shujinko. …

Magento 1 reaches EOL: Merchants urged to upgrade or risk breaches, falling out of PCI DSS compliance

When Adobe released security updates for Magento last week, it warned that the Magento 1.x branch is reaching end-of-life (EOL) and support (EOS) on June 30, 2020, and that …

3 common misconceptions about PCI compliance

Being the PCI guy at my company carries a certain amount of burden. Not only am I responsible for all of the ongoing compliance and yearly assessments, but I also have to …

Examining security process maturity in 400 organizations

There’s an overall failure in maturity of security processes of over 400 organizations in industries ranging from e-commerce, retail and payment processor to …

Senior payment executives’ thoughts on SME PCI compliance and security

Acquirers now hold higher expectations for compliance than they did 12 months ago, Sysnet Global Solutions has established. What is your current compliance rate? The annual …

PCI Council
New requirements for the secure design and development of modern payment software

The PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) published new requirements for the secure design and development of modern payment software. The PCI Secure Software Standard and …

Consumer skepticism and stronger protections call for security changes

2018 became the year where protecting personal information established itself as a right that is wanted by and entitled to citizens. More people started questioning who owns …

Full compliance with the PCI DSS drops for the first time in six years

After documenting improvements in Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliance over the past six years (2010 – 2016), Verizon’s 2018 Payment Security …

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