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Software development: Why security and constant vigilance are everyone’s responsibilities

An report from May 2021 has found that 81% of developers admit to knowingly releasing vulnerable apps, and 76% experienced pressure to sacrifice mobile security for …

Patch management complexity increased by remote work is putting organizations at risk

71% of IT and security professionals found patching to be overly complex, cumbersome, and time consuming, an Ivanti survey reveals. In fact, 57% of respondents stated that …

The complexities of vulnerability remediation and proactive patching

In this interview with Help Net Security, Eran Livne, Director, Product Management, Endpoint Remediation at Qualys, discusses vulnerability remediation complexity, the …

exploits for sale
22% of exploits for sale in underground forums are more than three years old

Trend Micro released a research urging organizations to focus patching efforts on the vulnerabilities that pose the greatest risk to their organization, even if they are years …

Dealing with security vulnerabilities on data center servers requires more skilled staff

There is a lot of attention being paid to continuously updating servers to patch security vulnerabilities on Linux servers running in data centers – a basic step …

The impact of current and emerging threats on the day-to-day lives of SecOps teams

More than half of IT and cybersecurity professionals noted ransomware or zero-day attacks as the biggest threats to their organization, according to a Deep Instinct survey. …

endpoint protection
Endpoint complexities leaving sensitive data at risk

Absolute Software announced key findings from its report which shines a light on key trends affecting enterprise data and device security, and underscores the dangers of …

Why is patch management so difficult to master?

This question has plagued IT and security departments for years. Each month these teams struggle to keep up with the number of patches issued by the myriad of vendors in their …

How to deal with ransomware attacks

Used in cyberattacks that can paralyze organizations, ransomware is malicious software that encrypts a computer system’s data and demands payment to restore access. To help …

Defending against Windows RDP attacks

In 2020, attacks against Windows Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) grew by 768%, according to ESET. But this shouldn’t come as a surprise, given the massive increase in the number …

Is it OK to publish PoC exploits for vulnerabilities and patches?

In the wake of the Microsoft Exchange ProxyLogon zero-day and F5 BIG-IP security exploits earlier this year, many are questioning if and when should researchers publish proof …

CI/CD pipelines
The growing threat to CI/CD pipelines

Before the pandemic, most modern organizations had recognized the need to innovate to support developers’ evolving workflows. Today, rapid digitalization has placed a …

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