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The ramifications of the LinkedIn password leak

LinkedIn has finally confirmed that some of the passwords that were leaked yesterday correspond to LinkedIn accounts, and has issued a list of steps that they are taking in …

eHarmony confirms leak of their users’ passwords

News that an unknown individual leaked what appeared to be a batch of 6.5 million LinkedIn passwords on a Russian forum and asked for help in decrypting them spread like fire …

Mitt Romney’s private email account hacked?

The private Hotmail and Dropbox accounts of Mitt Romney, Massachusetts governor and Republican Party presumptive nominee for President of the United States in the 2012 …

Voice biometrics for mobile devices

Nuance announced Dragon ID, a voice biometrics technology that lets people quickly and easily unlock mobile devices and consumer electronics just by using their voice. Dragon …

Over-55s pick stronger passwords than youngsters

Despite the often repeated recommendations by security experts, most users regularly fail to choose strong enough passwords. Joseph Bonneau, a computer scientist and …

SaaSID launches Cloud Application Manager

SaaSID unveiled Cloud Application Manager (CAM), security software that provides single sign on (SSO), application shaping and auditing of any applications accessed using a …

Mistakes that led to the massive Utah data breach

A little over a month ago, the largest data breach in Utah history resulted in the compromise of Social Security numbers of some 280,000 Medicaid and Children’s Health …

Password creation policies are the enemy of secure passphrases

Commenting on reports that a security developer has concluded that password-creation policies are the enemy of secure passwords, SecurEnvoy co-founder Steve Watts says that …

Forensic access to iCloud backups

iPhone users have several options to back up the content of their devices. They can backup information stored in their device such as contacts, pictures, call logs and data …

Fake “Account blocked!” email targets Hotmail users

Hotmail users are once again targeted by phishers. With “E-mail account alert!” in the Subject line, the fake email ostensibly comes from Microsoft. “This …

Americans are less concerned about security

Americans are less concerned about nearly all aspects of security than they were 12 months ago, but an overwhelming majority consider security issues very important when …

Phishers mimic OpenID to steal credentials

New spam email campaigns are taking advantage of the users’ vague familiarity with the OpenID authentication method to phish their login credentials for a number of …

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