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Breaking down the state of authentication

In this Help Net Security video, Bassam Al-Khalidi, co-CEO of Axiad, discusses the results of Axiad’s recent State of Authentication Survey. Key findings from the survey …

Many popular websites still cling to password creation policies from 1985

A significant number of popular websites still allow users to choose weak or even single-character passwords, researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology have found. …

Love for sports could lead to poor password practices

33% of Americans have used a sports-related term in a password, according to Bitwarden. Those who have are twice as likely to have used one inspired by a professional sports …

Anna Pobletts
How passkeys are reshaping user security and convenience

In this Help Net Security interview, Anna Pobletts, Head of Passwordless at 1Password, talks about passkey adoption and its acceleration in 2024. This trend is particularly …

How global password practices are changing

Password health and hygiene improved globally over the past year, reducing the risk of account takeover for consumers and businesses, according to Dashlane. Password reuse …

businessman computer
Cybersecurity habits and behaviors executives need to be aware of

Top executives — the employee group most targeted by threat actors — are frequently provided unfettered access to valuable data sources and networked assets, according to …

Legacy authentication leads to growing consumer frustration

Despite widespread usage of passwords lingering on, consumers want to use stronger, more user-friendly alternatives, according to FIDO Alliance. Entering a password manually …

Anticipating the benefits of a passwordless tomorrow

Businesses are actively moving to eradicate passwords from employees’ lives, with 89% of IT leaders expecting passwords to represent less than a quarter of their …

Incentivizing secure online behavior across generations

As the landscape of online security continues to evolve, there is a noticeable shift in people’s perceptions of cybersecurity, with an increasing awareness of its vital …

Poor cybersecurity habits are common among younger employees

One in three employees believe their actions do not impact their organization’s security, according to Ivanti. Unsafe cybersecurity habits among office workers The research …

Eyes everywhere: How to safely navigate the IoT video revolution

Cameras are coming to a connected device near you. Cheap image sensors from old mobile phones are flooding the market and bringing video to the Internet of Things (IoT). …

Protecting against FraudGPT, ChatGPT’s evil twin

FraudGPT is the evil counterpart to ChatGPT. Criminals use it to target businesses with phishing emails and scams with speed and accuracy like never before. The AI can be …

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