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32m Twitter login credentials stolen from users

Leaked Source has added 32,888,300 records of Twitter users to its repository of leaked data. The source of the batch is a user who goes by the alias …

Microsoft bans common passwords

If you’re using the Microsoft Account service to sign into the various services offered by the company, and you tried to set up a too commonly used password, you have …

Behavior is the new authentication: A look into the future

In the next few years organizations will face extreme IT security challenges. Hackers are targeting humans instead of machines. All the most costly cyber attacks (APTs, …

LinkedIn users’ data on sale on the dark web

A hacker has put up a batch of info about 167 million LinkedIn accounts for sale on dark web marketplace The Real Deal. Of these, some 117 million records contain email …

password unlock
Do users’ perceptions of password security match reality?

Think your password is secure? You may need to think again. People’s perceptions of password strength may not always match reality, according to a recent study by CyLab, …

Let’s stop talking password flaws and instead discuss access management

A good bit of attention has been given to a new report that suggests that there are organizations that don’t change their administrative passwords at all, ever. While it may …

Living in a password free world in the modern enterprise

The era of password security in the modern enterprise is over. Passwords are dead. Let’s be honest. Passwords in the enterprise were never really that secure in the …

1 in 10 people have posed as someone else online

Our need for ease and convenience is putting our digital identities and security at risk. A new BehavioSec report finds that 37% of us have shared our personal security data …

Most users limit personal info on social media due to hacking fears

Only 10 percent of internet-using adults in America used at least one social networking site in 2005. More than a decade later that number has grown exponentially, with 84 …

7 million users affected by Minecraft community Lifeboat data breach

Minecraft community fansite “Lifeboat” has admitted that it suffered a data breach in January, after security researcher Troy Hunt added some of the stolen data to …

password unlock
How to automate a custom password dictionary for your pen test

When doing penetration testing, security professionals regularly have to deal with words that are specific to the task at hand, and many are not found in common wordlists. …

Banks failing with password management, but why?

A recent study shows some terrifying results: banks in the U.S. often have less secure password policies in place than do social media websites. Specifically, the study found …

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