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361 million account credentials leaked on Telegram: Are yours among them?

A new trove of 361 million email addresses has been added to Have I Been Pwned? (HIBP), the free online service through which users can check whether their account credentials …

How secure is the “Password Protection” on your files and drives?

People in certain professions, such as healthcare, law, and corporations, often rely on password protection when sending files via email, believing it provides adequate …

human risk
Why SMBs are facing significant security, business risks

In this Help Net Security video, Alex Cox, Director of Threat Intelligence at LastPass, discusses how human factors are getting in the way while SMB leaders report investing …

Microsoft, Google widen passkey support for its users

Since 2013, the first Thursday in May is marked as World Password Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness about the need for using strong, unique passwords to secure out …

Passwords under seven characters can be easily cracked

Any password under seven characters can be cracked within a matter of hours, according to Hive Systems. The time it takes to crack passwords increases Due to the widespread …

Most people still rely on memory or pen and paper for password management

Bitwarden surveyed 2,400 individuals from the US, UK, Australia, France, Germany, and Japan to investigate current user password practices. The survey shows that 25% of …

What is multi-factor authentication (MFA), and why is it important?

Setting up MFA can seem daunting for consumers just beginning to clean up their security postures. In this Help Net Security video, Larry Kinkaid, Manager, Cybersecurity …

Understanding next-level cyber threats

In this Help Net Security video, Trevor Hilligoss, VP of SpyCloud Labs, discusses the 2024 SpyCloud Identity Exposure Report, an annual report examining the latest trends in …

Cybercriminals use cheap and simple infostealers to exfiltrate data

The rise in identity-based attacks can be attributed to a rapid increase in malware, according to SpyCloud. Researchers found that 61% of data breaches in 2023, involving over …

Great security or great UX? Both, please

A new user is signing up for a SaaS application. On the one hand, UX teams want that user to get into the app as quickly as possible. On the other hand, security teams want …

Longer passwords aren’t safe from intensive cracking efforts

88% of organizations still use passwords as their primary method of authentication, according to Specops Software. The report found that 31.1 million breached passwords had …

Microsoft Outlook
Attackers can steal NTLM password hashes via calendar invites

A recently patched vulnerability in Microsoft Outlook (CVE-2023-35636) that can be used by attackers to steal users’ NTLM v2 hashes can be exploited by adding two …

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