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Account credentials of 26+ million LiveJournal users leaked online

A data dump containing account information of over 26 million LiveJournal users has been offered for sale on dark web marketplaces and is now being shared for free on …

Less than a quarter of Americans use a password manager

A large percentage of Americans currently do not take the necessary steps to protect their passwords and logins online, FICO reveals. As consumers reliance on online services …

mobile device
Global remote work transitions fail to consider security gaps

Security measures and password best practices have not taken priority in many regions during the shift to remote work due to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a survey by …

Home workplaces introduce new risks, poor password hygiene

Entrust Datacard released the findings of its survey, which highlights the critical need to address data security challenges for employees working from home as a result of the …

99% of enterprise users reuse passwords across accounts

Very few users take appropriate action to significantly reduce the risk of password compromise, according to a Balbix report. The study found that more than 99% of enterprise …

Passwords still widely used, despite known weaknesses

Nearly a third (29%) of organizations in Europe and the Middle East still see usernames and passwords as one of the most effective means to protect access to their IT …

Password psychology: People aren’t protecting themselves even though they know better

People aren’t protecting themselves from cybersecurity risks even though they know they should, a study on password psychology by LogMeIn reveals. Password psychology Year …

Help your helpdesk: Empower employees to self-reset their AD account password

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a momentous shift for many organizations: remote work has become the new normal. Businesses that were skeptical before are now being forced …

identity theft
Why people talk a good game about privacy, but fail to follow up in real life?

While most people will say they are extremely concerned with their online privacy, previous experiments have shown that, in practice, users readily divulge privacy information …

Password vulnerability at Fortune 1000 companies

Despite often repeated advice of using unique passwords for online accounts – or at least the most critical ones – password reuse continues to be rampant. And, …

password managers
Some commercial password managers vulnerable to attack by fake apps

Security experts recommend using a complex, random and unique password for every online account, but remembering them all would be a challenging task. That’s where …

Passwords still dominant authentication method, top cause of data breaches

Passwords remain the dominant method of authentication and top cause of data breaches, according to MobileIron. A new report also highlighted the importance of a zero trust …

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