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Scott Best
How much can you trust your printer?

In this interview with Help Net Security, Scott Best, Director of anti-tamper security technology at Rambus, talks about what organizations should be aware of when it comes to …

To shift to data-driven security decision making: Start with the right data

We live in the age of data-driven everything. From sales to operations, and everything in-between, today’s organizations are constantly looking for ways to leverage the data …

Lee Garf
How wealth managers leverage behavioral intelligence tech to thwart client abuse

In this interview with Help Net Security, Lee Garf, GM of Financial Markets Compliance at NICE Actimize, explains how behavioral intelligence technology can help the finance …

Tackling supply chain security head-on

Threats against supply chains are growing and the reality is that the size, cost, and sophistication of these threats make it difficult for anyone organization to control or …

Supply chain shortages create a cybersecurity nightmare

The White House has recently issued alerts noting that many manufacturers suffer from disrupted supply chains, and rebuilding supply chains is a major priority. Some analysts …

Neil Clauson
How QR code ease of use has broadened the attack surface

In this interview with Help Net Security, Neil Clauson, Regional CISO at Mimecast, talks about the threats of QR code phishing, explains the vulnerabilities of such technology …

Securing IoT from the ground up

We live in a highly connected world. There are already approximately 10 billion connected Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and their number is expected to grow to over 25 …

Jim Wojno
Qualys Context XDR: Bringing context to an organization’s security efforts

Cybersecurity has become more complex than ever, allowing cybercriminals to access organizations through many different routes. To help incident response and threat hunting …

Log4Shell: A retrospective

Now that the dust has settled on both the holiday season and the Log4j vulnerability that saw many of us working through it (CVE-2021-44228), it makes sense to look back and …

virtual reality
Democratizing security with Open XDR

There is no denying the notion of strength in unity. Similarly, inclusiveness and the broad participation of many is another idea that is widely cherished. These are both …

Karl Mattson
Open banking innovation: A race between developers and cybercriminals

In this interview with Help Net Security, Karl Mattson, CISO at Noname Security, explains the wide usage of open banking and how it can easily be exploited if adequate …

Cloud security training is pivotal as demand for cloud services explode

Change is afoot. The private, public and third sector are transitioning from on-premises and datacenter-hosted infrastructure to hybrid architectures utilizing …

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