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EDR is not a silver bullet

Old lore held that shooting a werewolf, vampire, or even just your average nasty villain with a silver bullet was a sure-fire takedown: one hit, no more bad guy. As …

Purpose-based access control: Putting data access requests into context

Access control is the heart of data protection. Striking the right balance between easy access and tight security isn’t easy, but getting it right is how you maintain business …

Bob Kolasky
Lack of transparency, systemic risks weaken national cybersecurity preparedness

What is critical infrastructure? If you ask 5 different people, you may receive 5 different answers. The term critical infrastructure has lost much of its meaning as a …

October 2022 Patch Tuesday forecast: Looking for treats, not more tricks

We’ve entered the final quarter of 2022 with a favorite holiday for many – Halloween, at the end of the month. Unfortunately, Microsoft has continued to play a few tricks on …

Unearth offboarding risks before your employees say goodbye

Saying goodbye is never easy. That’s especially true when it comes to employee offboarding – but not due to sentimentality. In our increasingly digital workplace, …

Eileen Walther
Fine-tuning Germany’s cybersecurity strategy

Recently, Eileen Walther, Northwave’s Country Manager for Germany and specialized in information security, was elected the new Vice President of the Cyber Security Council …

API authentication failures demonstrate the need for zero trust

The use of application programming interfaces (APIs) has exploded as businesses deploy mobile apps, containers, serverless computing, microservices, and expand their cloud …

Nathan Hunstad
To avoid insider threats, try empathy

In this interview with Help Net Security, Nathan Hunstad, Deputy CISO at Code42, explains the importance of addressing insider threats, how to make sure your employees are …

open source security
When transparency is also obscurity: The conundrum that is open-source security

Open-source software (OSS) has a lot of advocates. After all, why would we continuously try and write code that solves problems that others have already solved? Why not share …

Is mandatory password expiration helping or hurting your password security?

For decades cybersecurity professionals held tight to the idea that passwords needed to be changed on a regular basis. In recent years, however, organizations such as NIST and …

Detecting fileless malware infections is becoming easier

For some analysts, memory analysis is only an optional step in cybersecurity investigations. Their reasons are simple. One: Handling memory and volatile data is a complex …

Praveen Singh
How to start and grow a cybersecurity consultancy

A cybersecurity industry veteran, Praveen Singh is the co-founder and Chief Information Security Advisor at CyberPWN Technologies, a digital defense consulting firm. In this …

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