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How to build a security tool that sells

In my experience as a CISO in the industry, as well as in my current position as CISO-in-Residence at YL Ventures, an early-stage, cybersecurity-focused venture capital firm, …

Stephen Carter
Why a modern vulnerability management strategy requires state-of-the-art solutions

In this interview with Help Net Security, Stephen Carter, CEO at Nucleus Security, explains the importance of having a vulnerability management strategy within an …

Biden legitimizes cryptocurrency with regulatory exploration

For some time, cryptocurrency was considered a fringe currency – a libertarian means of investing that challenged the traditional framework of brokers, trade desks and …

Are you willing to take a calculated risk? Quantifying your cyber risk and predicting future threats

We can all agree that cyber attacks are inevitable. The next step for cybersecurity professionals is reaching a consensus on the best way to prepare for unknown threats …

The simple secret to app security? Time

The thing about being a security consultant is that people are always looking to you for the “secret” to building a secure digital anything. And by “secret,” they usually mean …

Michael Johnson
The massive impact of vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure

In this interview with Help Net Security, Michael Johnson, Board of Directors at Safe Security, talks about the importance of critical infrastructure security, why attacks on …

Building trust in a zero-trust environment

A recent study by MITRE and DTEX revealed that despite years of industry efforts against insider threats, there isn’t enough data – or systems advanced enough – to spot all …

How to contain a privileged access breach and make sure it doesn’t happen again

When attackers pull off a privileged access breach, they have a beachhead into your network. Regardless of whether it’s software or users that are ill-protected, threat actors …

Bronwyn Boyle
Women in cybersecurity: How far have they come?

In this interview with Help Net Security, Bronwyn Boyle, CISO at Mambu, talks about women in cybersecurity, what are the hurdles they must overcome in their career, and how …

Does the future of digital identity offer us greater security and convenient experiences?

Much of the promise associated with future digital identity infrastructures is associated with greater automation of the identity lifecycle and the provision of greater …

Why are CAPTCHAs still used?

The success of your online business hinges on your customers’ ability to properly recognize crosswalks or traffic lights. I’m, of course, referring to CAPTCHAs, the online …

Privacy Shield
Data privacy laws are an opportunity to become more honest in reaching your target audience

Data privacy regulations are designed to give consumers more transparency into and control over how their data is collected, shared and used, especially as more consumers grow …

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