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Robin Long
Key strategies for ISO 27001 compliance adoption

In this Help Net Security interview, Robin Long, founder of Kiowa Security, shares insights on how best to approach the implementation of the ISO/IEC 27001 information …

cyber threat
10 tips for creating your security hackathon playbook

For more than 12 years, I’ve been organizing and running hackathons with the goal of finding security vulnerabilities and fixing them before a product hits the market. These …

Anya Shpilman
Choosing the right partner when outsourcing cybersecurity

In this Help Net Security interview, Anya Shpilman, Senior Executive, Cyber Security Services at WDigital, discusses the benefits and potential risks of outsourcing …

Marco Eggerling
How CISOs navigate policies and access across enterprises

In this Help Net Security interview, Marco Eggerling, Global CISO at Check Point, discusses the challenge of balancing data protection with diverse policies, devices, and …

3 ways to achieve crypto agility in a post-quantum world

Working at the speed of digital business is a constant challenge. But in today’s increasingly automated operational environment, crypto agility—i.e., an organization’s ability …

Migrating to the cloud: An overview of process and strategy

Over the next few years, the number of organizations navigating to the cloud to advance their business goals is expected to grow exponentially. According to Gartner, more than …

Roland Palmer
NIS2 Directive raises stakes for security leaders

In this Help Net Security interview, Roland Palmer, VP Global Operations Center at Sumo Logic, discusses key challenges and innovations of the NIS2 Directive, aiming to …

Isaac Evans
Custom rules in security tools can be a game changer for vulnerability detection

In this Help Net interview, Isaac Evans, CEO at Semgrep, discusses the balance between speed and thoroughness in CI/CD pipeline security scanning. Stressing the need to avoid …

Does CVSS 4.0 solve the exploitability problem?

The newest version of the vulnerability scoring system CVSS 4.0 is here! After a lengthy gap between version 3 (released in 2015), as of November 2023 version 4.0 is …

Stephanie Hagopian
Proactive cybersecurity: A strategic approach to cost efficiency and crisis management

In this Help Net Security interview, Stephanie Hagopian, VP of Security at CDW, discusses offensive strategies in the face of complex cyberattacks and the role of the …

Great security or great UX? Both, please

A new user is signing up for a SaaS application. On the one hand, UX teams want that user to get into the app as quickly as possible. On the other hand, security teams want …

Alon Gal
Prioritizing cybercrime intelligence for effective decision-making in cybersecurity

In this Help Net Security interview, Alon Gal, CTO at Hudson Rock, discusses integrating cybercrime intelligence into existing security infrastructures. Our discussion will …

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