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Securing satellites: The new space race

A decade ago, it would have cost you a billion dollars to deploy a satellite into space. Fast forward ten years and you can now have your own personal satellite floating in …

Whose (usage) data is it, anyway?

Around the world, business customers now demand business-to-business (B2B) SaaS companies safeguard their usage data. More importantly, they want to know how SaaS companies …

Executing a multi-cloud strategy: Crawl, walk, run

Despite many challenges, enterprises are increasingly adopting cloud computing in an effort to become more agile, lower IT costs, and have the ability to scale. Most of those …

Is curiosity killing patient privacy?

The digitization of healthcare is changing the face of fraud. With the growth of electronic health records (EHRs), online patient portals and virtual clinics, a wealth of …

Supply chain attacks: Mitigation and protection

In software development, a supply chain attack is typically performed by inserting malicious code into a code dependency or third-party service integration. Unlike typical …

Making the most of threat intelligence with threat intelligence gateways

Even though many security professionals are still dissatisfied with threat intelligence accuracy and quality, its use as a resource for network defense is growing. According …

SEC demands better disclosure for cybersecurity incidents and threats

As companies increasingly rely on networked systems and on the Internet, cybersecurity threats have grown. Companies that fall victim to a successful cyberattack incur …

GE trade secret theft case demonstrates need for document behavior monitoring

A former GE engineer and a Chinese national have been formally charged with 14 counts of economic espionage by the U.S. Department of Justice after stealing trade secrets from …

The foundation: Quantifying risk with focused security measurement

When you hear “quantify risk,” you might think it’s the buzz-term du jour. You might be right. Risk quantification is a hot topic right now. It seems everyone who touches …

Building a modern data registry: Go beyond data classification

For organizations, understanding what data they store and analyze is gaining increasing urgency due to new privacy regulations, from the Global Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR) …

The perimeter is vanishing, how will you secure your network?

There’s a new reality to network security, driven by the fact that the perimeter is vanishing. The concept of a network being fully enclosed within a building or virtual …

What’s in a cybersecurity question? Getting to the root of cyber insights

The day to day practice of cybersecurity is based around asking questions. How do I secure my applications? How do I protect my data’s integrity? How do I manage storage and …

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