operating system

Ubuntu 24.10 Oracular Oriole brings tighter security controls
Canonical released Ubuntu 24.10 Oracular Oriole, which brings notable advancements, including an updated kernel, new toolchains, and the GNOME 47 desktop environment, along …

OpenBSD 7.6 released: security improvements, new hardware support, and more!
OpenBSD is a free, multi-platform 4.4BSD-based UNIX-like operating system. The 57th release, OpenBSD 7.6, comes with new features, various improvements, bug fixes, and tweaks. …

Inside the book: Androids – The Team That Built the Android Operating System
In 2004, Android was two people who wanted to build camera software but couldn’t get investors interested. Android is a large team at Google today, delivering an OS to …

Tails 5.2.0 comes with several improvements, updated Tor Browser
Tails is a portable operating system that protects against surveillance and censorship. Tails can be installed on any USB stick with a minimum of 8 GB. Tails works on most …

Baseline standards for BYOD access requirements
49% of enterprises across Europe currently have no formal Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) policy in place, meaning they have no visibility into or control over if and how …

The power of passive OS fingerprinting for accurate IoT device identification
The number of IoT devices in enterprise networks and across the internet is projected to reach 29 billion by the year 2030. This exponential growth has inadvertently increased …

3 free Linux security training courses you can take right now
Linux Server Management and Security University of Colorado / Instructor: Greg Williams, Lecturer This course dives into how Linux works from an enterprise perspective: In …

CasaOS: Open-source home cloud based on the Docker ecosystem
For parents and families, the thought of someone gaining access to sensitive information can be nothing short of a nightmare. However, one group of developers are on a mission …

5 reasons IT should consider client virtualization
Virtualization has brought a dramatic level of growth and advancement to technology and business over the years. It transforms physical infrastructure into dedicated, …

Cyber risk assessment of U.S. election commissions finds critical areas for improvement
Many election commissions are focused on quickly adapting and updating their cybersecurity; however, commissions still need to dedicate resources to updating outdated …

Most SMB devices run Windows versions that are expired or will expire by January 2020
There is a steady increase in attacks and changes in attack methods that target weaknesses in encryption, workload configuration, limited visibility into vulnerabilities and …

The unique business-critical threats facing converged IT-OT systems
Manufacturing networks still running outdated technology could risk their intellectual property and production processes. The Trend Micro report, Securing Smart Factories: …