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Google open sources Firing Range, a test tool for web app security scanners

Google has open sourced another security tool: it’s called Firing Range, and it’s an effective testing ground for a variety of automated web application security …

Cisco open sources Big Data security analytics framework

“Technically advanced attackers often leave behind clue-based evidence of their activities, but uncovering them usually involves filtering through mountains of logs and …

Microsoft open sources .NET server stack

Microsoft open sourced the full server-side .NET stack and expanded .NET to run on the Linux and Mac OS platforms. The company also released Visual Studio Community 2013, a …

Facebook open sources Proxygen, C++ HTTP framework + server

After having open sourced the OS analysis tool osquery a week ago, Facebook has announced on Wednesday that Proxygen – a collection of C++ HTTP libraries and an …

Google open sources nogotofail, a network traffic security testing tool

In their quest to make users, the Internet, and digital devices in general more secure, a number of big Internet companies have recently announced a new collaboration that …

Researchers audit the TextSecure encrypted messaging app

A group of German researchers have audited TextSecure, the popular open source encrypted messaging application for Android, and the news is good. After fixing a particular …

Open source Knock Knock tool reveals OS X malware

At this year’s Virus Bulletin conference held last month in Seattle, security researcher Patrick Wardle spoke about methods of malware persistence on Mac OS X. The video …

Facebook open sources osquery, an OS analysis tool

Facebook has open sourced osquery, a framework that exposes an operating system as a high-performance relational database and allows developers to write SQL-based queries to …

Assume your Drupal 7 site has been compromised

Administrators of sites that run Drupal 7, and have not yet updated to version 7.32 or have done so later than 7 hours after the public revelation of the highly critical SQL …

Open source NAC solution PacketFence 4.5.0 released

PacketFence is a free and open source Network Access Control (NAC) solution. It can be used to effectively secure small to very large heterogeneous networks. Among the …

The Software Assurance Marketplace: A response to a challenging problem

With the steady proliferation of wearable devices and the emergence of the Internet of Things, everyone and everything will eventually be connected by some piece of software. …

Lessons learned developing Lynis, an open source security auditing tool

If you’ve been involved with information security for more than a decade, you’ve probably heard of Rootkit Hunter or rkhunter, a software whose primary goal is to …

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