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Most enterprises encounter problems with open source software

Univa’s 2013 Free and Open Source Software report finds that Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) is prominent within businesses today with 76% using it internally. …

Generalized single packet authorization for cloud computing environments

Cloud computing environments such as those provided by Amazon and Google can be your passport to powerful computing resources without having to worry about typical …

OpenStack security brief

This video from Shmoocon 2013 is a break down of security concerns relating to OpenStack cloud software. OpenStack is an open source IaaS solution compatible with Amazon EC2 / …

Linux community adopts UEFI technology

The Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) Forum, a non-profit industry standards body of leading technology companies that promotes firmware innovation by creating …

Big Data cloud solutions powered by open source analytics database

At RSA Conference 2013 in San Francisco, Virtustream announced it has partnered with Metamarkets and Skilled Analysts to offer big data solutions in the cloud. There is a …

Oracle releases MySQL 5.6

Oracle today announced MySQL 5.6, the world’s most popular open source database. With increased performance, scalability, reliability and manageability, MySQL 5.6 helps …

GitHub MitM attack orchestrated by Chinese censors?

China-based users and visitors of GitHub, the globally popular online source code repository, have been targeted with an man-in-the-middle attack late last Friday, reports …

PowerDNS 3.2 expands DNSSEC support

The PowerDNS Authoritative Server enables authoritative DNS service from all major databases, including but not limited to: MySQL PostgreSQL Oracle SQLite LDAP DB2 Sybase …

Nmap 6: Network exploration and security auditing cookbook

Nmap 6: Network exploration and security auditing cookbook will help you master Nmap and its scripting engine. You will learn how to use this tool to do a wide variety of …

Nmap 6.25 released

Nmap is a free and open source utility for network exploration or security auditing. Nmap uses raw IP packets in novel ways to determine what hosts are available on the …

Xen Cloud Platform 1.6 released

Xen Cloud Platform is a virtualization platform for companies to create and manage virtual infrastructures for servers, desktops and clouds. XCP 1.6 strengthens its server …

ForgeRock launches open source stack to secure applications and services

ForgeRock announced availability of an open source stack to secure applications and services across enterprise, cloud, social and mobile environments. With more than 250K …

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