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Detekt government surveillance spyware on your computer

Amnesty International, Digitale Gesellschaft, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Privacy International have partnered to create and release a free and open source tool for …

Most IT pros prefer open source to proprietary software

Business continuity and control eclipse cost savings are the top reasons why U.S. IT professionals prefer open source to proprietary software. According to a Ponemon Institute …

Google open sources Firing Range, a test tool for web app security scanners

Google has open sourced another security tool: it’s called Firing Range, and it’s an effective testing ground for a variety of automated web application security …

Cisco open sources Big Data security analytics framework

“Technically advanced attackers often leave behind clue-based evidence of their activities, but uncovering them usually involves filtering through mountains of logs and …

Microsoft open sources .NET server stack

Microsoft open sourced the full server-side .NET stack and expanded .NET to run on the Linux and Mac OS platforms. The company also released Visual Studio Community 2013, a …

Facebook open sources Proxygen, C++ HTTP framework + server

After having open sourced the OS analysis tool osquery a week ago, Facebook has announced on Wednesday that Proxygen – a collection of C++ HTTP libraries and an …

Google open sources nogotofail, a network traffic security testing tool

In their quest to make users, the Internet, and digital devices in general more secure, a number of big Internet companies have recently announced a new collaboration that …

Researchers audit the TextSecure encrypted messaging app

A group of German researchers have audited TextSecure, the popular open source encrypted messaging application for Android, and the news is good. After fixing a particular …

Open source Knock Knock tool reveals OS X malware

At this year’s Virus Bulletin conference held last month in Seattle, security researcher Patrick Wardle spoke about methods of malware persistence on Mac OS X. The video …

Facebook open sources osquery, an OS analysis tool

Facebook has open sourced osquery, a framework that exposes an operating system as a high-performance relational database and allows developers to write SQL-based queries to …

Assume your Drupal 7 site has been compromised

Administrators of sites that run Drupal 7, and have not yet updated to version 7.32 or have done so later than 7 hours after the public revelation of the highly critical SQL …

Open source NAC solution PacketFence 4.5.0 released

PacketFence is a free and open source Network Access Control (NAC) solution. It can be used to effectively secure small to very large heterogeneous networks. Among the …

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