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How GitHub is redefining software development

The security industry is slowly realizing what the developer community knew for years – collaboration is the key to and likely the future of innovation. Even if …

Open source software for quantum information

NIST has partnered with the private sector to develop the next-generation open source control software for quantum information systems. NIST is a world leader in quantum …

Researchers create inexpensive versions of NSA’s spying tools

ShmooCon, the hacker convention that welcomes individuals interested in all aspects of computer and information security, was held last week in Washington, D.C. Among the …

Open source tool trawls Github repositories for sensitive data

Michael Henriksen, a member of the SoundCloud security team, has been recently tasked with creating a system that will constantly check the company’s GitHub …

Encrypted messaging and file storage app Peerio goes open beta

Canada-base Peerio has released the beta version of an app of the same name which combines secure messaging, file sharing and storage, and adds encryption to it. Peerio is …

WhiteHat Aviator browser is not secure, says Google developer

Late last week WhiteHat Security open sourced Aviator, its Chromium-based browser that has been marketed as “the most secure browser online.” The browser offers …

OpenSSL release patches 8 vulnerabilities

The OpenSSL Project has released updates for the popular eponymous open-source library that implements the SSL and TLS protocols. The new releases – 1.0.1k, 1.0.0p and …

Information Security Analytics

Authors: Mark Talabis, Robert McPherson, I. Miyamoto, Jason Martin Pages: 182 Publisher: Syngress ISBN: 0128002077 Introduction We’ve all heard about Big Data and …

Rails security scanner Brakeman 3.0.0 released

Brakeman is an open source vulnerability scanner specifically designed for Ruby on Rails applications. It statically analyzes Rails application code to find security issues at …

Critical Git flaw allows attackers to compromise developers’ machines

A critical vulnerability affecting all versions of the official Git client and all related software that interacts with Git repositories has been found and patched, and …

VPN providers urged to update OpenVPN due to critical DoS bug

The OpenVPN Project has issued a new version of its popular open source software of the same name and is urging users to implement it, as it solves a critical denial of …

New Docker version solves critical bugs, update immediately

If you’re using Docker, the open source platform for building, shipping and running distributed applications on almost any platform, be sure to update to the latest …

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Cybersecurity news