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linux security courses
3 free Linux security training courses you can take right now

Linux Server Management and Security University of Colorado / Instructor: Greg Williams, Lecturer This course dives into how Linux works from an enterprise perspective: In …

open source security
Open-source software usage slowing down for fear of vulnerabilities, exposures, or risks

Anaconda released its annual 2022 State of Data Science report, revealing the widespread trends, opportunities, and perceived blockers facing the data science, machine …

High severity vulnerabilities found in Harbor open-source artifact registry

Oxeye security researchers have uncovered several new high severity variants of the IDOR (Insecure Director Object Reference) vulnerabilities (CVE-2022-31671, CVE-2022-31666, …

Government guide for supply chain security: The good, the bad and the ugly

Just as developers and security teams were getting ready to take a breather and fire up the BBQ for the holiday weekend, the U.S.’s most prestigious security agencies (NSA, …

Nmap 7.93, the 25th anniversary edition, has been released

Nmap is a widely used free and open-source network scanner. It’s used for network inventorying, port scanning, managing service upgrade schedules, monitoring host or …

Google hand
Google invites bug hunters to scrutinize its open source projects

Google wants to improve the security of its open source projects and those projects’ third-party dependencies by offering rewards for bugs found in them. …

vulnerability assessment tools
5 open-source vulnerability assessment tools to try out

A vulnerability assessment is a methodical examination of network infrastructure, computer systems, and software with the goal of identifying and addressing known security …

NetworkManager 1.40 released, features 600 patches

NetworkManager attempts to keep an active network connection available at all times. The point of NetworkManager is to make networking configuration and setup as painless and …

Phishing PyPI users: Attackers compromise legitimate projects to push malware

PyPI, the official third-party software repository for Python packages, is warning about a phishing campaign targeting its users. “We have additionally determined that …

DevSpace 6: Client-only developer tool for cloud-native development with Kubernetes

Loft Labs released DevSpace 6, open-source software for Kubernetes that enables users to develop, troubleshoot and deploy cloud-native software faster. DevSpace is a …

malware analysis tools
7 open-source malware analysis tools you should try out

There are two main types of malware analysis: static and dynamic. Performing static analysis of a malicious binary means concentrating on analyizing its code without executing …

OpenFHE: Open-Source Fully Homomorphic Encryption

Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) is a cryptographic primitive that enables performing computations over encrypted data without having access to the secret key. In this Help …

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Cybersecurity news