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U.S. senators propose new privacy bill following surveillance scandal

A group of U.S. senators lead by Senator and Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Patrick Leahy have introduced a new legislation that aims to improve government …

Snowden on the run, leaks continue unabated

The chase is on for whistleblower Edward Snowden and the U.S. government. After legally leaving Hong Kong for Moscow, and despite having his U.S. passport revoked, the former …

Skype’s Project Chess worked on letting U.S. agencies in

A lot has been said, written and claimed about Skype and the possibility that the U.S. government, intelligence, and law enforcement agencies have been given access to the …

Secret documents reveal broad extent of NSA domestic surveillance

Two more top secret NSA documents that Edward Snowden shared with reporters of The Guardian have revealed that his claims about what the agency’s analysts are authorized …

EU citizens’ data must be protected against US surveillance

The US PRISM internet surveillance case highlights the urgent need to pass legislation to protect EU citizens’ personal data, most MEPs agreed in Wednesday’s Civil …

Global repercussions of PRISM scandal

The revelation of the existence of the PRISM program, which allows U.S. government agencies to either directly or indirectly have access to email and chat content, videos, …

Collected data helped foil 50 terrorist plots, says NSA chief

A number of top government officials have been called to testify at a congressional hearing before U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on the topic of NSA …

Facebook, Microsoft and Apple disclose little on U.S. government data requests

The disclosure of details about the controversial PRISM program set up by the NSA has indubitably damaged the reputation of the companies involved in it, and some of them are …

Oppose PRISM-like programs today or lose you privacy tomorrow

I used to work for a telecommunication company. The government had access to call records, although the process for obtaining any information required manual requests and …

80+ orgs ask U.S. Congress to halt government surveillance

Over 80 organizations, civil liberty groups, Internet companies, public figures and private individuals have launched the StopWatching.Us initiative and have signed an open …

Obama, Verizon, NSA sued for collecting U.S. citizens’ phone call data

Three individuals have filed the first lawsuit aimed at disputing the constitutionality of NSA’s collection of metadata on phone calls made by or to U.S. citizens. Larry …

Reactions from the security community to the NSA spying scandal

Last week a whistleblower created quite the stir when he leaked documents about PRISM, a surveiilance program by the NSA. Below are comments on this scandal that Help Net …

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