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Obama panel advises big changes to NSA surveillance practices

The “independent” Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies ordered to be created by US president Barack Obama in August has finally delivered …

Lead MEP presents preliminary conclusions on NSA inquiry

The European Parliament should consent to a trade deal with the US only if it makes no reference to data protection, says its Civil Liberties Committee in the preliminary …

NSA can easily decrypt private cell calls

A document from the seemingly inexhaustible trove delivered by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden shows that the NSA can easily break the old and weak algorithm still used …

NSA uses Google cookies to track and target suspects

Newly published documents from Edward Snowden’s trove show that the NSA and its British counterpart GCHQ use Google’s “preferences” cookies to follow …

NSA compromised 50,000 global computer networks

The NSA has managed to compromise over 50,000 computer networks in its effort to keep abreast of the political, military and economic situation around the world, Dutch daily …

Ruling that authorized NSA bulk email data collection is disclosed

A new batch of declassified documents released by the Obama administration include one ruling made by the then chief judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, with …

GCHQ hacks GRX providers to mount MitM attacks on smartphone users

A new report by German Der Spiegel has revealed that the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), the UK equivalent of the US NSA, has compromised a number of Global …

Snowden social-engineered co-workers to share their passwords

The revelations stemming from the documents exfiltrated by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden have changed the way we look at many things, but the details that have been …

European NSA is not a solution

The European Parliament should use its powers to reconsider EU-US data transfer deals and push for the creation of a European privacy cloud, EU-level protection for …

Mikko Hypponen: How the NSA betrayed the world’s trust

Recent events have highlighted, underlined and bolded the fact that the United States is performing blanket surveillance on any foreigner whose data passes through an American …

The dangers of weakening cybersecurity to facilitate surveillance

In response to the controversy over the alleged surveillance practices of the NSA, the White House established the Review Group on Intelligence and Communication Technologies, …

NSA taps cables connecting Google and Yahoo data centers

The US NSA and its UK counterpart GCHQ have collaborated in tapping the overseas fiber-optic cables used by Google and Yahoo to exchange data stored in their many data centers …

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