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Cisco expands data center networking portfolio

As Internet traffic volumes increase at exponential rates (by 2013 it’s predicted that there will be 56 exabytes crossing the internet per month) the data centers that …

Modular wireless switch for high-performance networks

Xirrus launched the XR-series Wireless Arrays, the first modular, chassis-based wireless switch portfolio – providing modularity to protect network investments as …

XenServer 6 released

Citrix Systems released XenServer 6. As a key component of the Citrix cloud computing and virtualisation strategy, XenServer 6 brings new optimizations and improved …

IP Address Management platform Proteus 3.7 released

BlueCat Networks announced the latest release of Proteus, a scalable IP Address Management (IPAM) platform. Proteus 3.7 delivers enhanced usability, scalability, seamless …

Netgear releases first VDSL UTM firewall

NETGEAR introduced the ProSecure UTM9S – the first Unified Threat Management (UTM) gateway with both VDSL and WiFi capability. Additionally, the UTM9S integrates with …

Multi Threaded TCP Port Scanner 2.0 released

Multi Threaded TCP Port Scanner allows you to scan 65535 TCP ports on an IP address. You can specify how many threads to run and the timeout. It will tell you the MAC address …

Cisco reveals the importance of networks in daily life

Demonstrating the increasing role of the network in people’s lives, an international workforce study by Cisco revealed that one in three college students and young …

NAC system PacketFence 3.0 released

PacketFence is a fully supported, trusted, free and open source network access control (NAC) system. Boasting a feature set including a captive-portal for registration and …

Bluetooth vulnerabilities becoming easier to exploit

Codenomicon warns consumers about the poor quality and security of Bluetooth equipment. Based on Codenomicon’s robustness test results using smart model based fuzzing …

Cisco security solutions for urban environments

Cisco announced a series of safety and security innovations powered by a Medianet architecture. Together these innovations support the evolution of Cisco’s strategy …

Cisco collaborates with Microsoft for data center virtualization

Cisco is collaborating with Microsoft to deliver data center virtualization solutions designed to provide improved scalability and operational control of Microsoft Windows …

Data seepage from the corporate boundary

In a growing number of cases, Internet-facing business systems do not always reflect a well maintained, up-to-date security profile, and, as one would expect they are, by …

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