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As personal use of managed devices becomes ubiquitous, risks increase

Netskope analyzed the most interesting trends on enterprise cloud service and app use, web and cloud-enabled threats, and cloud data migrations and transfers. Based on …

Netskope’s security controls and protection now available for Microsoft Teams

Netskope, a leading security cloud, announced the availability of its security controls and protection for Microsoft Teams. With the Netskope Security Cloud, organizations get …

Cloud-enabled threats are on the rise, sensitive data is moving between cloud apps

44% of malicious threats are cloud enabled, meaning that cybercriminals see the cloud as an effective method for subverting detection, according to Netskope. “We are seeing …

Netskope opens new data center in Johannesburg, South Africa

Netskope, the leader in cloud security, has announced the opening of a dedicated data centre in Johannesburg, South Africa. The new point of presence (PoP) is part of the …

Most interesting trends on cloud service and web usage

Cloud services account for 85% of all enterprise web traffic, signaling a need for enterprises to adopt a holistic approach to securing the cloud and web, a Netskope Cloud …

The benefits of mature cloud security strategies

Organizations that take a pragmatic approach to securing the use of user- and business-unit-led-cloud services realize appreciable business benefits compared with …

cloud binary
Most cloud services still not GDPR-ready

With the compliance deadline for the GDPR fast approaching in May 2018, a new Netskope report took a close look at GDPR readiness among enterprise cloud services, finding …

Cloud DLP policy violations rise as Slack, HipChat, and similar services increase in popularity

Cloud DLP policy violations in collaboration services like Slack and HipChat are on the rise, accounting for nearly 10 percent of total violations this quarter, according to …

World Password Day
World Password Day: Make the Internet a more secure place

Identity theft is one of the world’s fastest growing crimes, but adding strong authentication to your password can prevent it. Today is World Password Day, and here are some …

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Cybersecurity news