Poorly secured PostgreSQL, MySQL servers targeted by ransomware bot
Users exposing poorly secured PostgreSQL and MySQL servers online are in danger of getting their databases wiped by a ransomware bot, Border0 researchers are warning. The …

SolarWinds Database Mapper and Task Factory enable data professionals to accelerate cloud migrations
SolarWinds introduced SolarWinds Database Mapper and SolarWinds Task Factory as part of its comprehensive database management portfolio, strengthening the company’s offering …

Secure your databases against opportunistic attackers
If you connect databases / servers to the internet and secure them poorly, you can count on them getting compromised quickly. According to findings by Radoslaw Zdonczyk, …
Push Technology Diffusion 6.7 secures personalized data delivery to individual clients
Push Technology announced new personalized client data delivery capability in the company’s Diffusion Intelligent Event-Data Platform, that delivers data among applications, …
StrongNode.io to create a secure and scalable distributed edge network for the blockchain economy
Node-as-a-Service (NaaS) StrongNode.io activates a unique approach to edge networking by harnessing idle resources from digital devices to build a strong, on-demand, and …
Spectral DeepConfig detects software misconfigurations at all layers to prevent breaches
Spectral announced the release of DeepConfig, a detection technology that can identify misconfigurations at all layers of software to prevent exploits of security gaps and …
Actian Zen 15 delivers multi-platform support for secure data management from edge to cloud
Actian announced the general availability of its new Zen V15 embedded database for mobile and IoT. Actian Zen V15 addresses the demanding needs of today’s on-premise, cloud, …
MariaDB Community Server 10.6 extends JSON and Oracle compatibility
MariaDB announced the general availability of MariaDB Community Server 10.6, a major new release that brings significant advancements to the open source MariaDB community. …
Nutanix and HPE expand partnership to accelerate hybrid cloud and multicloud adoption
Nutanix and Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) announced an expanded partnership to accelerate hybrid cloud and multicloud adoption by offering Nutanix Era, a multi-database …
MariaDB updates MariaDB SkySQL cloud database, expands support for AWS
MariaDB announced major new updates to MariaDB SkySQL cloud database, including expanded support for Amazon Web Services (AWS). With this release, SkySQL gains new strength …
ScaleGrid now supports MySQL, PostgreSQL and Redis solutions on DigitalOcean
ScaleGrid has just announced support for their MySQL, PostgreSQL and Redis solutions on DigitalOcean. This launch is in addition to their current DigitalOcean offering for …

Telegram-based Katyusha SQL injection scanner sold on hacker forums
Despite regularly achieving one of the top spots on the OWASP Top 10 list of the most critical web application security risks, injection vulnerabilities continue to plague …