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Firefox 91 delivers new security and privacy options

Released on August 10, Firefox 91 delivers HTTPS by Default in Private Browsing mode and an enhanced cookie clearing option. Increased security with HTTPS by Default HTTP over …

Cloudflare’s Project Pangea helps underserved communities expand access to the internet for free

Cloudflare announced Project Pangea, a new initiative to improve internet access for underserved communities around the world. Through Project Pangea, eligible local …

Patch Tuesday
July 2021 Patch Tuesday: Microsoft fixes 4 actively exploited bugs

On this July 2021 Patch Tuesday: Microsoft has fixed 117 CVEs, 4 of which are actively exploited Adobe has delivered security updates for Acrobat and Reader, Bridge, …

July 2021 Patch Tuesday forecast: Don’t wait for Patch Tuesday

There’s been lots of excitement around the recently announced print spooler vulnerability CVE-2021-34527, commonly referred to as PrintNightmare. The excitement stems from the …

Chris Lyon joins ForgeRock as SVP and global head of engineering

ForgeRock announced the appointment of Chris Lyon as senior vice president and global head of engineering. In his new role, Lyon will lead global engineering and report to …

May 2021 Patch Tuesday forecast: Spring cleaning is in order

There’s an event referred to as spring cleaning, where we take some time from our regular routines to focus on bringing order back to our homes. We remove the junk that has …

Fastly increases WebAssembly contributions to support secure-by-design software ecosystem

Fastly has expanded its investments in the WebAssembly ecosystem, reinforcing its belief that this emerging technology unlocks a more performant, secure, and flexible future …

April 2021 Patch Tuesday forecast: Security best practices

March kept us all very busy with the ongoing out-of-band Microsoft updates for Exchange Server and the printing BSODs, which plagued us since last Patch Tuesday. It looks like …

February 2021 Patch Tuesday forecast: The human communication aspect

We spend a lot of time each month discussing the technical details surrounding vulnerabilities, software updates, and the tools we use for patch management in our …

Patch Tuesday
January 2021 Patch Tuesday: Microsoft plugs Defender zero-day RCE

On this January 2021 Patch Tuesday: Microsoft has plugged 83 CVEs, including a Microsoft Defender zero-day Adobe has delivered security updates for a variety of products SAP …

January 2021 Patch Tuesday forecast: New focus on security and software development

2020 is in the rearview mirror and most of us can’t get away fast enough. It was a year unlike any other, but 2021 looks to be unique as well. The year started out with …

December 2020 Patch Tuesday forecast: Always consider the risk

The final Patch Tuesday of the year is upon us and what a year it has been. Forcing many changes this year, the pandemic has impacted the way we conduct both security and IT …

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