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IBM unveils mobile security service

IBM unveiled its Hosted Mobile Device Security Management service that helps organizations protect against data loss and other risks caused by device theft, unauthorized …

First military-secured 3G and 4G core network

Tecore Networks introduced the 4G evolution of its military-secured iCore platform, making it the world’s first complete, multi-technology mobile network. By …

Angry Birds know where you live

75% of the public may be giving away their physical location when downloading smartphone applications, according to AdaptiveMobile. 69% of smartphone users are adamant that …

Focusing on new technologies instead of security threats

In the rush to utilize new technologies and move into the increasingly borderless world of cloud computing, mobile devices and social media, a growing gap is developing …

Norton updates Tablet Security and Mobile Security

Symantec announced Norton Tablet Security and new updates for Norton Mobile Security, including a new “Scream” feature that helps users find a lost or stolen phone …

The rising tide of portable device risks

Responding to research claiming to show that almost a third of executives have rogue mobile devices linked to their organisation’s network, Cryptzone says that this a …

Insecure devices extend shopping risks

Shopping online for the holidays is up, with a 15 point increase in the percentage of Americans who say they will spend more time shopping online than in 2010. But according …

Manage all mobile devices from one destination

Lookout Mobile Security offers security protection and find-my-phone functionality to all tablet devices, including all Honeycomb and Ice Cream Sandwich Android devices, in …

Citrix delivers apps to any user on any device

Citrix announced the next stage of its strategy for Citrix CloudGateway, the unified service broker that aggregates, controls and delivers Windows, web, SaaS and mobile apps …

A tech theory coming of age

As early as 2005, many industry analysts predicted “consumerization” — the introduction of consumer-owned/purchased devices into enterprise and business …

Which mobile OS is most hit by malware?

As most mobile phone users still don’t have a mobile AV solution installed on their devices, it can be rather hard to gauge just how many of them have been hit by mobile …

How to make a cheap mobile malware jail

Analyzing mobile malware without spreading it further can be very difficult to achieve, especially when one wants the malware to behave as it would in the wild. Unlike …

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