mobile apps

As holiday mobile commerce breaks records, retail apps display security red flags
Driven by the pandemic, many consumers rely on mobile apps to buy everything from daily essentials to holiday gifts. However, according to a recent analysis, there are some …

40% of COVID-19 contact tracing apps lack basic protections
Guardsquare announced the release of a report which reassesses the levels of security protections and privacy risks of COVID-19 contact tracing apps. The report found that of …

Google aims to improve security of browser engines, third-party Android devices and apps on Google Play
Google has announced two new security initiatives: one is aimed at helping bug hunters improve the security of various browsers’ JavaScript engines, the other at helping …

Popular Android apps are rife with cryptographic vulnerabilities
Columbia University researchers have released Crylogger, an open source dynamic analysis tool that shows which Android apps feature cryptographic vulnerabilities. They also …

The state of GDPR compliance in the mobile app space
Among the rights bestowed upon EU citizens by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the right to access their personal data stored by companies (i.e., data …

Researchers develop new learning algorithm to boost AI efficiency
The high energy consumption of artificial neural networks’ learning activities is one of the biggest hurdles for the broad use of AI, especially in mobile applications. …

Researchers create tool for protecting children’s online privacy
A University of Texas at Dallas study of 100 mobile apps for kids found that 72 violated a federal law aimed at protecting children’s online privacy. Dr. Kanad Basu, …

Most COVID-19 contact-tracing apps are not adequately secured
Security researchers have analyzed contact-tracing mobile apps from around the globe and found that their developers have generally failed to implement suitable security and …

The FBI expects a surge of mobile banking threats
The increased use of mobile banking apps due to the COVID-19 pandemic is sure to be followed by an increased prevalence of mobile banking threats: fake banking apps and …

Large number of mobile apps may be vulnerable to hacking
A team of cybersecurity researchers has discovered that a large number of mobile apps contain hardcoded secrets allowing others to access private data or block content …

Hackers using hidden mobile apps and unique distribution methods to target consumers
Hackers are using hidden mobile apps, third-party login and counterfeit gaming videos to target consumers, according to McAfee. Worldwide detections of LeifAccess, 2019 Last …

App on Google Play exploited Android bug to deliver spyware
Google has pulled three malicious apps from Google Play, one of which exploits a recently patched kernel privilege escalation bug in Android (CVE-2019-2215) to install the app …