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Microsoft Edge
Microsoft ends support for Windows 8, IE8 through 10: What does this mean for you?

Slowly but surely, Microsoft is pushing users towards Windows 10 and its new browser, Microsoft Edge. The way through this is by stop providing technical support and security …

Microsoft logo
Microsoft will stop trusting certificates from 20 Certificate Authorities

Starting on January 2016, Microsoft’s Trusted Root Certificate Program will no longer include twenty currently trusted CAs and will remove their root certificates …

Microsoft kills many critical flaws, some 0-days, un-trusts one wildcard cert

For this December Patch Tuesday, Microsoft has released twelve security bulletins, eight of which have been rated critical.Those refer to the cumulative security updates for …

Microsoft warns of imminent end of support for all but the latest Internet Explorer versions

Windows users who still prefer Internet Explorer to all other browsers have been urged by Microsoft to update to the latest (and last) version of the browser (v11), as the …

Windows machines stop trusting Dell’s two unconstrained root CA certs

Microsoft has updated the Certificate Trust list for all supported releases of Microsoft Windows so that the two digital certificates (complete with inadvertently disclosed …

New Dyre variant can target Windows 10 and Microsoft Edge users

As Microsoft continues to push Windows users towards adopting the latest version of the popular OS, malware authors have started adding support for it. Heimdal Security …

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella
Microsoft’s new security posture leads to baked-in security

More than ever, Microsoft wants its products to be the first choice for enterprises, organizations, and governments. And to do that, they embedded security in the …

Microsoft wants researchers to find bugs in .NET Core and ASP.NET, will pay

Microsoft has launched another specialized bug bounty that’s set to run until January 20th, 2016.Bug hunters, who can earn between $500 and $15,000 depending on the …

Microsoft fixes critical flaws in all versions of Windows and Office

This month’s Microsoft Patch Tuesday brings fixes for 33 vulnerabilities. Nearly half of those are found in Internet Explorer, and most of them are critical as they …

Attackers take over org’s OWA server, harvest domain credentials with malicious DLL

Researchers from cyber attack detection and response outfit Cybereason have discovered a novel APT technique that was used by attackers to gain persistence in an (unnamed) …

Enhancing email security in Office 365

The need for corporate security has never been greater. Identity theft remains a lucrative crime, and we read about a major hack nearly every day. Companies moving to Office …

Microsoft details how Device Guard fights malware in Windows 10

As Windows 10 was being prepared for release, Microsoft presented many new security features (and we’ve written about some) to be included in the new version of the …

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