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Micron Technology

Micron Authenta enhancements boost end-to-end cloud services across the IoT ecosystem
Micron Technology expands portfolio for its silicon root-of-trust solution, Authenta, making its cloud-based internet of things (IoT) security offerings more widely …
Microchip Smart Storage adapters enable NVMe and 24G SAS connectivity and manageability
Microchip Technology announced the Adaptec Smart Storage PCIe Gen 4 NVMe Tri-Mode SmartRAID 3200 RAID Adapters, and Adaptec SmartHBA 2200 and Adaptec HBA 1200 Host Bus …

Most computers easy to hack due to vulnerability in memory chips
Most computer systems are still very easy to hack, due to a vulnerability in memory chips produced by Samsung, Micron and Hynix, according to a study by researchers from VUSec …
NanoLock partners with Micron providing a flash-to-cloud management solution for security of IoT
NanoLock Security¸ a leading management and security provider for IoT and connected devices¸ announced that it is collaborating with Micron Technology¸ an industry leader in …