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Most attacks successfully infiltrate production environments without detection

While organizations continue to invest significant budget dollars in security controls and assume that this means assets are fully protected, the reality is that a majority of …

Broken glass
If an organization has been breached, it’s more likely to be targeted again

FireEye released the Mandiant M-Trends 2019 report at the RSA Conference. The report shares statistics and insights gleaned from Mandiant investigations around the globe in …

Is Windows ShimCache a threat hunting goldmine?

Enterprise-wide threat hunting sounds like a daunting task and for inexperienced forensic analysts it certainly can be. However, there are various techniques that can be used …

Equifax, former CEO reveal more details about the devastating breach

Mandiant has concluded the forensic part of its Equifax breach investigation, and the results are as follows: 2.5 million additional US consumers were potentially impacted, …

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