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Dridex botnet hacked, delivers dummy file

Someone is toying with the Dridex botmasters. The botnet, or at least one or more of its subnets that are sending out spam email delivering Locky ransomware, has been …

Jaku botnet hides targeted attacks within generic botnet noise

Botnets are usually created by cyber criminals that use them to launch DDoS attacks, deliver spam, effect click fraud. The recently discovered Jaku botnet can effectively do …

Android banking malware may start using adware tricks

Android banking and credential-stealing malware with screen overlay capabilities is on the rise, but for it to be effective, it must detect when banking, email, social media …

Hidden in plain sight: Four signs your network might be under attack

It’s a well-documented fact that an organization may be under attack and not even know it, with malware spreading undetected across the network for days, weeks or even …

Ransomware enters companies through RDP servers

Attackers wielding ransomware are targeting enterprises through an often-found hole in the corporate network: Internet facing, poorly secured remote desktop servers. According …

Gozi malware creator sentenced to time served

Nikita Kuzmin, the creator of the Gozi malware, was sentenced on Monday in Manhattan federal court to time served (37 months). He was also ordered to pay nearly $7 million in …

Google Chrome
Malicious Chrome update actively targeting Android users

A fake malicious Chrome update is being actively pushed onto Android users, saddling them with information-stealing malware that can be uninstalled only by restoring the …

Cybercriminals filtering out victims by location

There’s a growing trend among cybercriminals to target and even filter out specific countries when designing ransomware, according to SophosLabs. To lure more victims …

Screen overlay Android malware is on the rise

As predicted, the ability to lay screens over legitimate (e.g. banking) apps is becoming a crucial feature for the success of Android malware. The capability was first seen in …

Former Tor developer helped the FBI unmask Tor users

A developer who used to work at Tor Project is the mastermind behind “Torsploit” (aka “Cornhusker”), the malware that was used by the FBI in 2012 to …

Fake Chrome LastPass extension leads to unwanted installs

A fake LastPass extension has been found lurking on the Chrome Web Store, offering promises of free and easy password management, but instead taking users for a ride involving …

Cybercriminals increasingly exploiting human nature

Cybercriminals are exploiting human nature as they rely on familiar attack patterns such as phishing, and increase their reliance on ransomware, finds the Verizon 2016 Data …

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