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Sophisticated Mokes backdoor targets Mac users

A new malware targeting Macs has been discovered: the Mokes backdoor. Capable of making screenshots, recording keystrokes, capturing audio, and rifling through Office …

Mirai Linux Trojan corrals IoT devices into DDoS botnets

Mirai, a newly discovered and still poorly detected piece of Linux malware, is being used to rope IoT devices into DDoS botnets. Researchers from MalwareMustDie have recently …

Gugi banking Trojan outsmarts Android 6 security

A modification of the Gugi banking Trojan that can bypass Android 6 security features designed to block phishing and ransomware attacks. The modified Trojan forces users into …

Mobile ransomware increases 200 percent

There’s been a startling 200 percent increase in mobile ransomware detection in Q2, according to Quick Heal. This amounts to nearly 50 percent of the ransomware detected …

Betabot steals passwords, downloads ransomware

The infamous and ever-changing Betabot information-stealing Trojan is back again, and has been observed downloading another well-known threat – the Cerber ransomware. Of …

Mobile device infections rose 96 percent in the first half of 2016

After examining general trends and statistics for malware infections in devices connected through mobile and fixed networks, Nokia found a sharp rise in the occurrence of …

Google Chrome impersonator Trojan doing rounds

If you’re a Google Chrome user, and suddenly your browser looks a bit off and shows you pages that you would never visit ordinarily, you’ve probably been hit with …

Linux servers hit with FairWare ransomware – or is it just a scam?

Users posting on Bleeping Computer’s forums have alerted the world to a new threat targeting Linux server admins: the FairWare ransomware. Whether the ransomware …

USBee makes USB devices transmit data from air-gapped computers

After devising ways of exfiltrating data from air-gapped computers via mobile phones, using radio frequencies, heat, rogue software that transmits electromagnetic signals at …

CodexGigas: Malware profiling search engine

CodexGigas is a free malware profiling search engine powered by Deloitte Argentina, which allows malware analysts to explore malware internals and perform searches over a …

Ramnit Trojan rides again, targets customers of six major UK banks

The infamous Ramnit Trojan is on the prowl again, and this time it targets personal banking customers of six unnamed UK banks. The Trojan has not changed much since we last …

Twitter malware
Twitter-controlled Android backdoor delivers banking malware

A backdoor Trojan named Twitoor is the first instance of Android malware that receives its commands from a Twitter account. Keeping their botnet out of law enforcement’s …

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