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Trojanized Facebook Lite steals info, installs apps

A Trojanized Facebook Lite app for Android has been found stealing device information and installing malicious apps in the background. How can this happen? There is some …

world biohazard
StoneDrill: New wiper targets Middle East, shows interest in Europe

Kaspersky Lab has discovered a new sophisticated wiper malware, called StoneDrill. Just like another infamous wiper, Shamoon, it destroys everything on the infected computer. …

DNSMessenger backdoor/RAT uses DNS queries to communicate with C&C server

How to make sure that your malware will be able to communicate with its C&C servers even if the infected machine sits behind a company firewall and traffic to and from …

Android graffiti
132 compromised apps removed from Google Play

Google has recently removed 132 Android apps from Google Play due to them containing in their local HTML pages hidden iFrames linking to malicious domains. But even though …

Ransomware spiked 752% in new families

2016 was truly the year of online extortion. Cyber threats reached an all-time high, with ransomware and Business Email Compromise (BEC) scams gaining increased popularity …

macOS ransomware
Victims of Filecoder ransomware for macOS can now decrypt their files

Last week, researchers discovered and analyzed a new piece of ransomware targeting a specific subset of Mac users: those who are looking for ways to crack legal copies of some …

Germans, Czechs served with banking malware through SMS

German and Czech Android users are getting served with a banking Trojan directly through text messages, warns malware researcher Bart Blaze. The message claims that the user …

Cybereason platform
Rewriting the rules on how to protect against evolving adversaries

Hackers are getting better at exploiting your organization’s increasingly complex IT environment. Adversaries are using highly customized attack campaigns to infiltrate …

Deutsche Telekom
Suspected Deutsche Telekom router hacker arrested

A 29-year-old British national, believed to be the mastermind behind last November’s unsuccessful hijacking attempt of Deutsche Telekom users’ routers, was …

Passages: Secure virtual browser for malware isolation

Over 90% of undetected attacks come through the web. In this podcast recorded at RSA Conference 2017, Lance Cottrell, Chief Scientist at Ntrepid, talks about Passages, a …

macOS ransomware
New macOS ransomware masquerades as software cracking tools

New crypto ransomware dubbed Filecoder (aka Findzip) is stalking macOS users, ESET researchers warn. Masquerading as an application for cracking/patching legal copies of Adobe …

Advanced Windows botnet spreads Mirai malware

Kaspersky Lab experts are analyzing the first Windows-based spreader for the Mirai malware as part of a concerted effort to close down Mirai botnets in the wild. The Windows …

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