A guide on how to prevent ransomware
Ransomware is fast becoming a major threat to computer systems in many organisations. It is an aggressive form of attack which criminals use to infect computers and block the …

Microsoft to governments: Stop hoarding vulnerabilities
Microsoft is full of surprises lately: first they issued patches for unsupported versions of Windows, then they publicly criticized the NSA for hoarding knowledge about …

Are you ready for a second wave of WannaCry ransomware?
WannaCry is a name that made many cry in frustration this weekend, and the danger is still not over. The first onslaught According to Europol director Rob Wainwright, over …

Massive ransomware campaign spreading around the world like wildfire
Organizations around the world have been hit with the Wana Decrypt0r (aka WannaCry) ransomware, in what seems to be the most massive ransomware delivery campaign to date. …

Google’s plan to foil screen-hijacking malware in Android O
74% of ransomware, 57% of adware, and 14% of banker malware abuse a specific app permission to target nearly 40 percent of all Android users – by overlaying screens, …

If you downloaded HandBrake for Mac, you could be infected with Proton RAT
A mirror download server of HandBrake, a popular open source video conversion app for Mac, has been compromised, and the legitimate app .dmg file switched with a Trojanized …

Malware framework using legitimate utilities lobbed at government agencies
Bitdefender researchers have unearthed a previously unknown malware framework that, unlike those used by most APTs, contains many legitimate utilities. Dubbed Netrepser, the …

Turla gets ready to target Mac users
The cyber espionage group deploying the Turla (aka Snake, Uroburos, or Agent.BTZ) malware framework is expected to be able to target Mac users soon. The APT group The group, …

Malware Hunter: Find C&C servers for botnets
Recorded Future and Shodan released Malware Hunter, a specialized crawler for security researchers that explores the Internet to find computers acting as remote access trojan …

Super Free Music Player is the latest malware on Google Play
Another day, another piece of malware lurking on Google Play, masquerading as a free and helpful app. This time it’s called “Super Free Music Player” and is …

Dok Mac malware intercepts victims’ web traffic, installs backdoor
A new piece of Mac malware, more insidious and dangerous that all those encountered before, has been flung at European users via fake (but relatively convincing) emails. In …

200 million financial services records breached in 2016, 900% increase from 2015
The financial services industry was attacked more than any other industry in 2016 – 65 percent more than the average organization across all industries, according to the IBM …
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