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Cyber attacks becoming No. 1 business risk

SonicWall recorded 9.32 billion malware attacks in 2017 and saw more than 12,500 new Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) reported for the year. “The cyber arms race …

Cryptocurrency-stealing malware relies on victims copy-pasting wallet info

An unconventional email spam campaign has been delivering unusual cryptocurrency-stealing malware to American and Japanese users. The emails are sporting “Re: …

Cryptojacking is the new malware

The success of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, is driving the increasing popularity of cryptomining, the process by which these currencies are earned. At its core, mining …

UK government officially blames Russia for NotPetya attack

The UK government has officially attributed the June 2017 NotPetya cyber attack to the Russian government. The statement is backed by an assessment of the UK’s National Cyber …

Cryptomining malware continues to drain enterprise CPU power

Cryptomining malware continues to impact organizations globally as 23% were affected by the Coinhive variant during January 2018, according to Check Point’s latest Global …

How cybercriminals exploited Telegram flaw to deliver malware

A “vulnerability” in Telegram’s desktop instant messaging client for Windows was exploited for months by Russian cybercriminals to deliver malware to users. …

Thousands of government, orgs’ websites found serving crypto mining script

On Sunday, over 4,200 websites around the world started hijacking visitors’ browsers to mine the Monero crypto currency. The attack The problem was first noticed and …

industry biohazard
When crypto-mining malware hits a SCADA network

Stealthy crypto-mining is on track to surpass ransomware as cybercriminals’ most favorite money-making option, and companies with computers and servers that run all day …

Android devices roped into new Monero-mining botnet

A new Monero-mining bot sprang up several days ago and, in just a few days, has created a botnet consisting of over 7,000 Android devices, most of which are located in China …

Mac crypto miner distributed via MacUpdate, other software download sites

Software download site/aggregator MacUpdate has been spotted delivering a new Mac crypto miner to users. A new Mac cryptominer was being distributed from hacked MacUpdate …

Macro-less malware: The cyclical attack

Last year, attackers linked to the Russian hacking group APT28 (sometimes called Fancy Bear) started hacking like its 1999 with Microsoft Word-based malware that doesn’t …

Google Play malware
Google booted 100,000 malicious developers from Google Play

New malware and unwanted apps are discovered on Google Play nearly every day – or so it seems. According to Google’s statistics, in 2017 the company has taken down …

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Cybersecurity news