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6.8% of the top 100,000 websites still accept old, insecure SSL versions

Mac-based malware has appeared on the list of the top ten most common types of malware for the first time in WatchGuard’s quarterly Internet security report. The Mac scareware …

Android Trojan steals money from victims’ PayPal account

ESET researchers have unearthed a new Android Trojan that tricks users into logging into PayPal, then takes over and mimics the user’s clicks to send money to the attacker’s …

November 2018: Most wanted malware exposed

Check Point has published its latest Global Threat Index for November 2018. The index reveals that the Emotet botnet has entered the Index’s top 10 ranking after researchers …

Supply chain compromise: Adding undetectable hardware Trojans to integrated circuits

Is it possible for attackers to equip integrated circuits with hardware Trojans that will not change the area or power consumption of the IC, making them thus indiscernible …

Old and new OpenSSH backdoors threaten Linux servers

OpenSSH, a suite of networking software that allows secure communications over an unsecured network, is the most common tool for system administrators to manage rented Linux …

Conficker: A 10-year retrospective on a legendary worm

This November marked the 10-year anniversary of Conficker, a fast-spreading worm targeting Microsoft systems that went on to claim one of the highest levels of infection in …

Vaporworms: New breed of self-propagating fileless malware to emerge in 2019

WatchGuard Technologies’ information security predictions for 2019 include the emergence of vaporworms, a new breed of fileless malware with wormlike properties to …

Ransomware is the leading cyber threat experienced by SMBs

Ransomware continues to be the leading cyber attack experienced by SMBs over viruses and spyware, according to Datto. Their report surveyed 2,400 MSPs that support the IT …

FlawedAmmy: Dangerous RAT enteres most wanted malware list

The latest Check Point Global Threat Index reveals that while cryptomining malware continues to dominate the rankings, a remote access Trojan has reached the top ten’s list …

USB threat vector trends and implications for industrial operators

In an attempt to make industrial control systems less accessible to attackers, industrial players are limiting network access and increasingly using USB media devices to …

Nastiest malware of 2018: Top attack payloads wreaking havoc

Webroot highlights the top cyberattacks of 2018 in its latest nastiest malware list, which showcases the malware and attack payloads that have been most detrimental to …

Microsoft Word
Word documents seemingly carrying videos can deliver malicious code instead

A feature that allows anyone to embed a video directly in a Word document can be easily misused to trick target users into downloading and running malware, Cymulate …

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