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Symantec ISTR
Formjacking is the new get rich quick scheme for cybercriminals

Faced with diminishing returns from ransomware and cryptojacking, cybercriminals are doubling down on alternative methods, such as formjacking, to make money according to …

Ryuk: What does the helpdesk tell us?

Cybercrime is the only criminal channel that provides a helpdesk. An amusing side note in the world of digital crime, and whilst considerable efforts have been taken to …

Free decryption tool could save victims millions in ransomware payments

A new decryption tool has been released for free on the No More Ransom depository for the latest strand of GandCrab. This tool was developed by the Romanian Police in close …

world biohazard
Detecting Trojan attacks against deep neural networks

A group of researchers with CSIRO’s Data61, the digital innovation arm of Australia’s national science agency, have been working on a system for run time detection of trojan …

Trickbot becomes one of the most dangerous pieces of modular malware hitting enterprises

Along with Emotet, Trickbot has become one of the most versatile and dangerous pieces of modular malware hitting enterprise environments. Most recently, its creators have …

Most wanted malware in January 2019: A new threat speaks up

Check Point’s Global Threat Index for January 2019 reveals a new backdoor Trojan affecting Linux servers, which is distributing the XMRig crypto-miner. The new malware, …

88% of UK businesses breached during the last 12 months

The UK’s cyber threat environment is intensifying. Attacks are growing in volume, and the average number of breaches has increased, according to Carbon Black. Key survey …

BEC-style attacks exploded in Q4 2018

Email remains the top vector for malware distribution and phishing, while BEC fraud continues to grow rapidly, Proofpoint warns in its Q4 2018 Threat Report. “The number …

Zero Trust browsing: Protect your organization from its own users

To the casual observer, the cyberattack landscape is constantly shifting. In recent years, the threats and scams have evolved from Nigerian princes to stranded travelers, …

Why vaporworms might be the scourge of 2019

Not too long ago, the WatchGuard Threat Lab predicted the emergence of vaporworms as a major new cyber threat that will affect organizations of all sizes in 2019. We coined …

Mac malware
New Mac malware steals cookies, cryptocurrency and computing power

A new piece of Mac malware is looking to steal both the targets’ computing power and their cryptocurrency stash, Palo Alto Networks researchers warn. About the …

Swiss army knife
Emotet: A veritable Swiss Army knife of malicious capabilities

Formerly just a banking Trojan, Emotet is now one of the most dangerous and multifaceted malware out there. According to Malwarebytes, it and Trickbot are part of the reason …

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