Researchers discover massive increase in Emotet activity
Emotet had a 730% increase in activity in September after being in a near dormant state, Nuspire discovered. Emotet, a modular banking Trojan, has added additional features to …

Attackers continue to leverage greater levels of social engineering and sophistication
Despite a nearly four-month absence, the return of Emotet within the last two weeks of September accounted for nearly 12 percent of all malicious email samples in Q3, …

Keeping up with the evolving ransomware security landscape
Cybercrime is ever-evolving, and is consistently becoming more effective and damaging. While the range of attack vectors available to malicious actors are vast, ransomware …

The nastiest ransomware, phishing and botnets of 2019
Webroot released its annual Nastiest Malware list, shedding light on 2019’s worst cybersecurity threats. From ransomware strains and cryptomining campaigns that delivered the …

VisibleV8: Stealthy open source tool for monitoring JavaScript in the wild
An open source tool that allows users to track and record the behavior of JavaScript programs without alerting the websites that run those programs has been developed at North …

Cryptojacking worm compromised over 2,000 Docker hosts
Security researchers have discovered a cryptojacking worm that propagates using containers in the Docker Engine (Community Edition) and has spread to more than 2,000 …

1 in 5 SMBs have fallen victim to a ransomware attack
Ransomware remains the most common cyber threat to SMBs, according to a Datto survey of more than 1,400 MSP decision makers that manage the IT systems for …

WAV files spotted delivering malicious code
Attackers have embedded crypto-mining and Metasploit code into WAV audio files to stymie threat detection solutions. “All WAV files discovered adhere to the format of a …

Fake mobile app fraud tripled in first half of 2019
In Q2 2019, RSA Security identified 57,406 total fraud attacks worldwide. Of these, phishing attacks were the most prevalent (37%), followed by fake mobile apps (usually apps …

Email is an open door for malicious actors looking to exploit businesses
There’s an alarming scale of risks businesses are up against in a time when email is proving an open door for cybercriminals and malicious actors looking to disrupt, …

Year-over-year malware volume increased by 64%
The most common domains attackers use to host malware and launch phishing attacks include several subdomains of legitimate sites and Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) such as …

Key threats and trends SMB IT teams deal with
MSPs are significantly more concerned with internal data breaches and rapidly evolving technology practices, whereas internal IT teams are more concerned with employee …